Spark vs Apex + question

Can anyone send me a good PM3 video tutorial (it would be nice on Mac OS) and the NExT chip? Thank you guys

Is this, like, “will remain disabled, sorry” or more like “will remain disabled :wink:

Because the payment networks have control over what they allow. Otherwise people would just make their own “credit cards” all the time.

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Hey guys how you doing today? Just got my microchips. Please send and tell me whatever can help me starting and learning. Anything useful and something “stupid” I can start with

I am assuming because you are asking in this thread, you have both a Spark 2 and a NExT?
Do you use an access system? Work / home / school?
If so we will need more information…

Do you have an NFC enabled phone?
Have you downlaoded any NFC Apps? NFC Tools , TagWriter are good ones to start with.

If you have a Spark, Have you Downloaded the Vivokey App?

Do you have any reader / wirters such as the ProxMark3 or a Blue cloner etc?

What do you WANT to do with your implants?

Welcome to the “One Of Us” Club!!! You could always start with the computer login using the KBR1 or the ACR122 with Rohos. :wink:


My microchips are coming but yeah you’re assuming right.

So far I downloaded both NFC tool and vivokey.
At my university we have an access system but it works by sliding a card - may be there any chance to clone it on the NExT?

I’d like to give you more information but my university is in the US and I’m currently in Italy for the summer.

Finally I don’t have a PM3 but I’m planning to buy it soon. (I’d need some help tho because it looks hard to understand, doesn’t it?)

Then what I want…let’s say that I bought them because I want to learn about them. And in order to do that I thought the best idea was to try them on myself. At the beginning I’d like to understand them, understand what they can do and how. I’d like to learn about copying/cloning access cards in order to throw them away and just use my chips.

Question for you:
What can I want to do with them?

Thank you guys btw

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Doubtful. Sounds like a magstripe thing rather then contactless unfortunately.

It’s actually super easy to get the hang of. There’s tutorials all over the internet. Even here on the forums. Just make sure you have some test cards to try stuff on first until you build confidence.

You can do a ton! Look around the forums here, especially the projects section, for some great ideas.