Titan install sharing thread

Me too. And I have two titans, but in the backs of my hand (bad idea, going to move them someday).

I’ve only ever noticed one chip that stuck, and a light brush of the hand knocked it off.

I have one that is not optimally placed, and can end up edge “up”. If I notice it, I usually just pass another magnet over the top so it flips back flat. Otherwise it’s not a thing. And it doesn’t bother or anything, I just like it to lie flat so it’s invisible.

I’d say put a band aid on it while healing (Duh, right?), and don’t worry about it afterwards.


Before I switched jobs, I was a welder and would have metal shavings stick to my xG3s, but could easily brush them off with no issues. Sometimes it was helpful, I could clean off parts without even touching them XD


Curious what it is you’re not liking about that placement.

0 feeling. Magnets still work, but i have no magnetic sense from them. Not enough nerve endings there.

That might be a good placement for me then. I mainly want it to test precious metals inconspicuously when i yardsale. Ive gotten some sterling silver jewelry for a dollar each (with diamonds) before because people don’t know what they have. Or maybe they do and just don’t care. Then again at coin shops it generally only acceptable to touch a coin by its edges so a finger placement would be ideal.

Details of install for you to peruse at your leisure.

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Of course

This was 2 days post op, I thought this would help show the direction/angle my piercer went with. Also, gotta give huge credit to how well my piercer did the implant. He used a needle (wasn’t favorable of using a scalpel due to damage) to make the pocket, and ended up needing to widen the pocket ever so slightly with a small tool to fit the magnet in. I’ve had great healing results, and I can play guitar, lacrosse, and go to the gym as normal.


Just wanted to say hello to the Titan community as I’ve just installed mine last night. Couldn’t have gone any better :grin: So pleased with its current location. Just hope it stays.

Here’s some photos 12 hours on.

Short clip showing position


NFT: That’s 12 hours in? Like a half day after install? That’s the cleanest pic in this thread. Where did you get it done and how was the process? Looks amazing!

Thank you 28990 :slightly_smiling_face:

I did it myself using a small scalpel. The numbing cream (that came with it) meant I could take things easy and work mindfully.

I didn’t use any stitches as I felt it was unnecessary given the location. A well positioned plaster pulled the two sides of the cut together.

There’s virtually no scar now. I couldn’t be happier with the install or result :grin:

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Hey ! I just wanted some advices regarding my titan install healing. done 3,5 weeks ago. I have removed the stitch, a crust formed over it, and it fell a few days ago. everything seems good.

The thing that worries me, is that from the first few days, when I spread my arm (mainly in the direction of my feet) and lift my wrist up with figers spread (see picture) it hurts. Note : I have to do these three actions at the same time for it to hurt (like picking an object on a table lower than your hips).

At first I tought it was the stitch, but it persisted after removing them. When stretching, it hurts for one or two seconds and then the pain stops. But if I try one hour later it hurts again. I tried stretching it gently for the past week, but I don’t really notice a big improvement.

I’m kinda woried that my installer might have damaged a tendon during the install or something like that.

That’s unlikely in the tip of the finger but maybe your titan is pushing on a nerve in that specific position. Another option is a change of blood pressure in a healing pocket. Describe the pain? Sharp? Also does it hurt if you press on it?

I personally would wait unless it’s too inconvenient or gets worse. Your body is still healing and the implant still settling.

Yeah, sharp and continuous. No pain when pressing on it, and no variations depending on the magnet’s exact position or orientation. But yeah, I probably just neet to wait.

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I had similar feelings after my xEM install in p0 - install went smoothly and all, but the implant pushed on a nerve when I did some particular movements. There were no signs of inflammation or irritation, so I decided to wait, and after several weeks it went away again.

There’s a chance that some scar tissue has formed around the Titan and stretching in the way that you are is putting a unique force on the Titan or the scar tissue and causing some irritation of a nearby nerve. This might be semi-permanent as scar tissue rarely really settles or changes, but it may settle out as things continue to heal. I would continue to stretch and gently urge your body to reconfigure itself in that area.

So I was running an angle grinder in the shop tonight. Saw a blob of grease on the back of my right hand, and brushed it off instinctively. At which point I noticed a blob on the back of my left hand in the exact same spot.

After that my brain engaged and I noticed the blobs were perfectly placed where my Titans are, and I wasn’t working with grease. A closer look revealed iron filings.

I took a pictue and wiped it off. A little later I they had come back (still grinding) but were a little bigger.

Looks very much like the game (pre video game), that parents gave kids my age to keep them quite in the car, where you use a magnet to put hair / beard on a man’s face.

Anywho. Always worried about chips from machining when I first installed. Not anymore, it’s never happened with machining chips, and this was kinda cool.


@ODaily working in a machine shop also I have a few questions…

  1. do you ever have an issue with mag bases?
  2. do is it uncomfortable when you weld (if you do)?
  3. do you have any issues using bearing warmers and bearing demag machines? I’m pretty worried about if I go to demag a part if it will affect the Titan.

I’m really thinking it would be a good tool to have to see if something is 300 series SS or 400 series instead of having to go grab a mag base I could just use my finger lol. Also if anyone else is a mechanic/machinist I would love some input.

AND one more thing… Anyone have any comments about having it installed in the finger pad and going to the gym with it? I would think it would be uncomfortable with dumbbells, bars, ect…

As far as welding, I haven’t had an issue. It’s actually quite fun sometimes. I can feel I would tig weld. If you curl up the leads, it turns them into an electromagnet so you can feel a pretty good buzzing if someone arcs up and you put your magnet near the curled leads.
Shavings from grinding or slag can accumulate around the magnets, but it’s easy to brush them off. That being said, why aren’t you using gloves? OSHA is always hiding around the corner :stuck_out_tongue:
That’s been my experience with my xG3 v1 and v2 in knifes edge and P1.

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Well at work my tig gloves aren’t very thick, and at home… well OSHA isn’t allowed at my house LMAO. But BIG no no with rotating machines… never never ever wear gloves :wink:

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I worked on some ultrasonic welders with pneumatic moving parts and belts. A coworker got her glove stuck in narrowly avoided the welder part, told her to be more careful, but later she got her finger stuck in the automatic scissors and finally learned lol
Maybe we should’ve had guards on some things, but it was right in the middle of the pandemic and we got the machines from China. We were just happy that some of them came with an English option to help with figuring out how they all worked XD