Trouble programming my Xsidd

Hello, installed my xsidd almost a week ago. Got a read a few days after swelling went down. I programmed it to open up a YouTube link. But after that I can’t seem to write anything on it keeps saying nfc not support. On iOS btw

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how long ago was it installed
although it should already be, just go into nfctools and ndef format the chip before writing the URL/URI youtube link

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XSIIDs pretty commonly have this kind of issue at first it seems, this thread might help:

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Installed last Friday, I did get it to write something on it. Then I wanted to change it to something else now nothing pops up when I try reading it through my phone and when I try to write it says “error has occurred during writing process”

last friday was only a week. it can take up for 2 weeks for internal swelling to go down to an acceptable level