Usage and Position of first 2 Devices

That sounds like a good assumption to me, but there are a few products you could purchase if you’d like to be more certain. Others may pitch in who would know for sure that HID doesn’t make some bizzaro credential that wouldn’t scan by phone (@Equipter might pretty-please spread some of his genius here)

The HF UID on the xSIID and NExT will be 14 hexadecimal characters (7 Bytes), so something like 0F1E2D3C4B5A69, the HF side on the xMagic will have a 4 byte (8 characters) UID like 0F1E2D3C

That’s how I see it, but everyone has different uses for them too :classic_smile:

The ACR122U is a known device to this forum, and it appears it has some log-in uses:

But I have never used one, so I won’t be much help there

I have also never used a vCard, but as I understand it their fairly simple on either major OS, being slightly easier to use on android.