Using NFC While Phone is Locked/Off

not much time to reply, I’ll bullet point.


  • function used to exist, but hasn’t for years (android removed it)
  • we all want it back
  • it can be done, but requires rooting (last i checked, it still worked, but this may have changed) I can dig out the info later if your Google Foo fails you


  • NFC tools is great
  • Have a look at tasker (App)
  • also “routines” on Android / Samsung

I have this set up with NFC stickers for some things and implants for others BUT phone my needs to be unlocked.

Here’s one example, where I open Waze (linked to spotify) in car cradle

Here’s something I did a while ago (I didn’t post my final version) but youll get the idea from the P.O.C

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