Walletmor not readable

Hi Friends,

I have a Problem with my Walletmor Implant that was installed in September 2023.
It was working fine, but is unreadable for some time now.
When it worked I could read it with NFC Tools through my iPhone (XS Max) [since this year I have a iPhone 16 Pro Max ] and Flipper and Proxmark 3 Easy.
But now nothing works anymore (even a POS-Reader would not read it).

I have installed it in my lower right Arm, some centimeters away from my wrist on the upper side.

Does somebody have an idea what I can do to get it back in a working condition?

I didn’t get into an MRT (and never was) I don’t do sports and didn’t remember any circumstance where something would crash on the Implant.

Any advice is highly appreciated!!


Great info provided, it also sounds like you have done some good testing.

It doesn’t sound good.

Have you reached out to Walletmor?

Dangerous Things and Vivokey provide a great warranty for implants, but Im not sure what sort of warranty Walletmor provide.

Since it’s a Walletmor product, they are probably best placed to answer you questions.

I wish I could be of more help, but it sounds like you have already done more than would be reasonably expected of an end user.

Good luck, keep us posted.

I hope somebody else here has more suggestions for you.


I had the exact same problem about 2 years ago. Same location, same symptoms, same “time alive”.
I sent them a video of my phone reading a working implant and one not reading the walletmor. After a short exchange - sometimes, answer times from Walletmore were quite long - they sent me a new one. It was never explicitly said that this was a warranty situation though. Shipping the replacement took half a year.


Hi all,

many thanks for your helpful messages!
I reached out to walletmor and am waiting now for feedback.

My only concern was: did i do something that bricked the Implant? Is there any Option to get it back working by myself?
Could i check (with ANY Equipment) if the Implant responds to a Signal?

The last point is my painpoint here, as i expected that the Proxmark would help find what´s going on here…
(maybe i will play around a little bit to check if a chip ansers or even if the antenna would interfere with the Proxmark…)

I will defnitely keep you updated!!!

You could use a proxmark 3 if you have one

using HF Tune you could observe the voltage drop which could tell you if the antenna is still intact and connected to the chip

Or using a VNA

If you’re near Hannover/Göttingen we can also meet and I can bring my pm3 and VNA