Walletmor reader orientation

Hi all,
Sorry for a weird question, but does anyone have a graphic showing common positions on different types of readers for walletmor?

I saw it at some point in time here, but can’t seem to find it🫠

I have just added you to a closed group.
Check your Categories, there should be a new one you can access


find the terminal, follow the link to the thread / post and it SHOULD have some orientation info for you

I also have a Walletmor, can I get access to the closed group? :slight_smile:

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How do we find the closed group? :slight_smile:

I just checked to see if you had a Walletmor

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I would appreciate access to the closed group too :wink:

done done diddly

While you’re at it, would you mind adding me too?

Okily Dokily

I’d love to get access to the closed group as well please!

Do you have a walletmor?

More importantly, do you work for a Credit card company and are planning on being a mole?
I asked you, and the rules are you have to tell me if you are :wink:

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I do have one. Not sure how that could be
verified haha.
Definitely not a mole! Just enthusiastic
about implants😁

That’s exactly what a mole would say


I promise I am not a mole :emoji_sob:

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That’s also exactly what a mole would say

Im just joking lmao


@Pilgrimsmaster Thank you! :pbjtime:

But you can never be sure that pilgrim added u to the real group and not to a mole distraction group


I should have listened to the people that told me it won’t be easy being a mole

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