Worst implantation stories?

My very first was also a self install back in the day of gold plated Chinese magnets, sadly I lost the video.
I was installing with my left hand into my right index and it took a while but went relatively ok. Over the couple weeks that followed the wound never closed, it turned all kinds of colors and was quite sensitive.
Despite clearly rejecting (which I wasn’t sure of at the time) I got some sensing and that got me hooked.
One day I was handling keys and wasn’t wearing a band aid for some reason. The magnet stuck to a key through the now small but very much infected hole pinching some nerves in the process. I broke my arm once and the pain wasn’t even comparable. My ears were ringing and I was paralyzed until I managed to get the key off. The magnet was now showing through the hole. I remember pushing it back in, getting home and taking it out.
It was a miserable experience but being able to sense for the first time was worth it.
I waited 2or 3 long years before Cassox sold some online which I got a couple of (one is in the same exact location) and I have them to this day :grin:

I think it’s good to have one of these experiences. They are far from life threatening and really take the edge off installs, making you more confident, experienced and calm. If I had never failed one I would stress out every time.