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They should carry a “Biohacker Special” line that allows defaulting to UID ident :slight_smile: If anyone can sell them on the idea, it’s Spyfoxls.

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Both the Eniq Pro and the Eniq Pro V2 still work with NTag 216 on the newest firmware when you only use the Uid for identification. Uid alone just isn’t really secure. For additional security we have a Dom header on all the transponders we sell. We don’t sell all different types though. I have no clue if the header would even fit on a Ntag216. We also support object headers which basicly work similat to our headers. You can always add transponders via master card. If you do that it uses the identification method thats available. If there is no header it uses only the uid. The most secure one is intelligent though. There the transponder knows if it’s allowed to enter. This system now also supports oss. This takes quite alot of space on the transponder though and the transponder needs to have proper encryption. The Eniq pro V2 ( essentially v1 but with ble) can be managed by the new Eniq app (free up to 5 devices) but when you want to use transponder without Dom header you have to pay for that function. It can do intelligent transponders but because of oss it needs transponders with a minimum of 4k of memory. There is also Dom Tapkey Pro (a tapkey compatiple pro basicly) but there it’s impossibe to use transponders without tapkey header. It’s quite complicated. To the question with t5577 it should work but it’s not really secure. I’m also more involved with the 13.56MHz devices. Please take everything i say with a grain of salt though because i’m not involved with the sales or marketing and information can always be subject to change.


I don’t have that much influence here. The market for this is still to small. Some day maybe but i’m pretty much the only one in my company with implants and the only one really interested in it.

Don’t you worry none: if your company is anything like mine, they took notice alright. And if they’re smart, even if there isn’t a ton of money to be made selling locks to implantees, they won’t want to miss the opportunity if all it takes is a minor firmware compile flag.


That’s tons of information, thanks for that! :wink:

My current plan is that I’ll visit a shop that sells the locks and just try them out… should be possible, I hope^^

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Got some funny looks, sadly even the NT compatible locks didnt wake up.

Thats a good bet. I can ask our devs tomorrow about Ntag216 and t5577. The the Eniq pro ev2: at the moment it’s not released yet. It’s in field testing but we are still searching and patching some bugs so it might take some time until t’s fully released and our 9licensed sellers have it.

So i asked one of the programmers and he said that authentification with uid should always work. We don’t list all transponders that work on our website but as long as they are iso14443 A or B compatible the locks will be able to read it. With implants it’s always dependant on the position if it will wake but i usually don’t have problems with it. To the t5577 it will work since it can emulate em4100. The implant also wakes the device just fine. Our els devices (125khz) don’t have bluetooth like our eniq devices (13,56MHz) though.


Thanks a lot - that was exactly the info I was hoping for! So I guess I’m gonna get a new lock in some weeks or months :wink: (depending on when the guy who’s gonna build the door has some time for doing it, finally…^^)


I’m glad i could help :slight_smile:

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