xEM Access Controller rewrote tag as new master tag

Has anyone had this happen?

I’m wondering if I unintentionally used a sequence that writes a new master tag. I left the original master tag on the antenna for about 30 seconds to clear the saved tags, then went to write a new tag and found that my new tag was now the master. I would like to undo this, so if anyone knows how let me know, thanks!

To be clear I’m talking about the original xEM Access Controllers not the v2.

Not the one writing xEM links to, either.

In this thread, I shared the written instructions, have a read through that and see if that helps.

Heres the link,

Let me know how you go

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I’m very familiar with the controller, but in this case the controller changed the master tag (the black puck that comes in the tin) to the tag I was trying to add to the memory, so now my black puck is a normal tag and the piece I was trying to add is the master tag. I’ve written a solid hundred or more tags with these, but I’ve never had this happen. I don’t see anything in the manual on writing a master tag.

Edit: I’ve actually heard of this happening before from others in my industry, but this is the first time it’s happened to me. I haven’t heard of a solution yet.

Yeah that’s odd but it might have to do with the length of time you left it on. I’d do the same procedure with your implant as the master tag… hold it there for a good 30+ seconds then scan your puck.

Yeah, I’ve been trying to reproduce it, no luck yet. I might pick it back up in the morning.

I have a number of these, and I have also not had this happen.

However, it does sound somewhat familiar to another post and a solution was found.

My memory is failing me, im not sure if it was the V1 or V2

Bear with me, let my find it

Ha, that didnt take long

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Super interesting! Definitely makes these controllers more powerful. I’ll give it a shot when I’m back at the shop tomorrow. Many thanks!


Not trying to necro this thread but I wanted to confirm that Compgeek’s posted solution worked. For anyone with the same issue, enroll and lay the tag you want to be master on the antenna. In some manner, such as tapping the wire on an alligator clip, connect and disconnect the power source rapidly until the LED indicating a known tag stops turning on. The tag laying on the antenna is now the master. I did not need the resistor.

Thank you everyone!

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Excellent! Thank you for confirming!

Time to get new memory then.

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