xLED Implant Location

I’ve decided to get my Apex Flex implanted in my left forearm, and now I’m trying to figure out the best placement for my xLED 13.56MHz implant. My initial thought was to position it close to the Apex Flex so that it lights up when the Apex is in use. Would this be an effective placement?

Also, I’m wondering about the optimal orientation for both implants. From what I’ve read in other threads, placing them lengthwise along the forearm seems ideal since it would minimize flexing (no pun intended). Does this logic hold up? I’d love to hear any insights or experiences from those who’ve done similar placements!


should be fine, xLED has no chip in it so no issues with anticollision


All of my Flexies are oriented “lengthways” to minimise flexing.

I would suggest you see what the ergonomics are like whe presenting your forearm to the cybertruck reader.

You could also enrol it before its implanted, still inside the plastic packaging and tape it to your arm to pinpoint the best position…