XM1+ cant write to blk 1

It seems to think it is…


yeah I’m thinking we’re back to coupling issues tbh


Thank you, it’s true it can still have trauma even if it’s not noticeable. Will wait a week and try again.


Thank you for your time, will wait a week and try again :smile:


Hi again, had the implant for almost a month now. I can still read and write to all sectors and blocks, except block 1 in sektor 0. The Proxmark has no problem finding the tag. I have a ACR122U and it can detect the tag and it can write to all block but still not block 1 in sektor 0, same with my old Samsung phone (no magic commands so no UID change tested) cant write to block 1 in sektor 0.

It feels like its something wrong with the tag?

I’m no proxmark afficiando but might be worth having a look at this post to see if the remagic script or wiping as “hf mf cwipe wf” works if the problems is isolated to sector 0.

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Thanks, have tried remagic but no change. the cwipe cant wipe block 1 so it fails.

My hunch is that either it’s a gen2 or a legit mifsre chip

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have you tried MCT?

great for using with Mifare Classic gen2 IF it is a gen2


Hi Amal, its from you first batch of xM1+ implants (see attachment), and I can change the UID with gen1 commands so its not a generic mifare and it seems to be a gen1. I have tried to change block 1 with MCT aswell but sektor 0 block 1 will not change.
Nothing is working for that block.

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Hmm ok let’s define exactly what you mean by sector 0 block 1?

Can you scan your chip with tag info and post, highlighting what you’re trying to change?


Hi Amal, I am trying to change the implant with the proxmark as per my first post, for example :

hf mf wrbl -k FFFFFFFFFFFF --blk 1 -d 00000000000000000000000000000000 *(tested key B aswell)
and with:
hf mf csetbl --blk 1 -d FFFFFFFFFFFFFF078000FFFFFFFFFFFF

(and have tried restore, cwipe and cload and remagic lua script)

That´s the block 1 I am talking about, I guess that’s the Sector #0 Block #1 in your image

I only tried to change it with an android phone and the ACR122U when I realised the implant could not accept write commands to block 1 sector 0 with the proxmark. I still cant and never have been able to write to block 1 sector 0. As i wrote in my previous post I have a lot of magiccards that I tried on before writing to the implant, and had no problem at all. Attaching a image of from the Tag info app:

greatly appreciate your help :cry:

Let’s get something out of the way first… can you update sector 0 at all? For example, can you change the UID?

Yes I can change the UID and all other blocks, but not Sector #0 Block #1.

Ok and what is the process for changing the UID that you use? I’m sorry to break this down to the fundamentals but there’s either a problem with procedure or this chip just has an unwritable block 1 which I’ve never heard of before… still possible with grey market Chinese magic chips… but yeah let’s just walk through it bit by bit.

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No problem at all, really appreciate your thoroughness. I have used both the csetuid and the csetblk to change the UID

Hi Amal, any idea on the next step? Still cant use my implant.

I know you have tried
hf mf cwipe a number of times, which is for a gen1 like you have

can you humour me and try

hf mf wipe which is normally suffixed by --gen2

Can you just try that on it’s own ie. No c infront of the wipe hf mf wipe

Hi, Thanks for the idea. Tried “hf mf wipe” but it didn’t work, the implant has the same value as before on Sector #0 Block #1. :cry:

Ah, bummer, I’m grasping at straws here.

I saw you did this

Can you try this?

hf mf wrbl --blk 1 -d 000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f