Hi there,
Ok, so - [quote=“Zep, post:1, topic:894”]
Anyway my main questions are if it is ISO14443A compatible does that mean I can use it in conjunction with NFC such as a Vcard and an access card?
Correct. The xNT does allow you to store standard NFC data sets (NDEF records) because it is both ISO14443A and NFC Type 2 compliant. Not all ISO14443A tags are NFC compliant, but the xNT is.
Chinese key card systems be usable or HID proximity tags?
This is not possible with the xNT because it is fundamentally different from the systems you mentioned. However, our xEM is based on the 125khz ATA5577 chip, which you can program with any ID and analog modulation you want. It can emulate EM or HID ProxCard II chips, and some others. But, be careful with those cloners… read this.
As for payments… there are many possible solutions… the concept is simple - properly ID the payer and transfer funds… the trick is achieving ubiquity. At the moment, EMV is the king dog on top of the pile… their pervasive network means the only significant contactless payment implant will work with “the big three” standard players in payment… and while their days may be numbered… that day isn’t today though. So, what I’m saying is, you could have a perfect solution, all secure and well thought out… but if it doesn’t communicate with EMV, it’s not going to see mass adoption by simply existing. If your idea does involve EMV, then let’s chat