xSIID has been released!

The good news is, nothing is permanent… we will work on pricing adjustments later on down the road.


Brightness is somewhat dimmer… but not by much. It’s a function of having to share power with the NFC chip off the same inductor (antenna). Coincidentally the brightness follows the pricing… green is the brightest while amber is the dimmest, yet amber is still clearly visible under lighter skin.

Yes you can have an xLED next to an xSIID (with approx 5mm between for safety).


From the product page:

This design ensures the LED does not interfere with operation of the NFC chip and always receives filtered power output regardless of field variance.

In plain English, does that mean the LED only gets power when the NFC chip has power to spare?

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Actually it’s the other way around… the LED gets power first, then the NFC chip fires up… so when approaching a reader the LED typically lights before the reader talks to the chip.


Doesn’t the LED rob power when it would be needed by the chip when the field’s strength is borderline - in other words, doesn’t it decrease the range then? Or is it just not a problem in practice?


If you had an LED in parallel with the chip on the inductor then this would be the likely outcome, but the NTAG I2C chip has a power conditioner circuit ahead of the transponder circuit and this is where the energy harvesting output comes from, so the LED gets power first.

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Sorry… brain is tired and messages are coming in fast with new announcement… basically you’re correct… the chip itself gets slightly less range due to the LED on board… but it’s a minimal depreciation.

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To further clarify, the performance of the LED and chip together in the NTAG I2C is a better outcome than an LED in parallel with an NFC chip with no power conditioning… but again since we’re dealing with tiny implantables the % delta results in very small physical differences. The differences are much more pronounced with a full size ISO card antenna… like this;


I guess it works well enough, else you wouldn’t put it up for sale :slight_smile: But yeah, since the same coil powers two things instead of one, there’s gotta be a tradeoff, however inconsequential in practice.

Cool toy anyhow. I’m tempted - again.

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Amazing stuff! Now to pick a color.

I remember some discussion in the xGLO thread about transmission of light through skin - it seems like the red and amber would transmit more readily than the green or blue.

Of course, everyone’s skin and installation depth is different, but speaking really generally here, do you think the extra brightness of the green LED will compensate for its absorption by the skin?

In other words, if we want to optimize for “in-vivo brightness,” which color should we pick?

Smurfs and ninja turtles will feel discriminated against price-wise.


Tissue, particularly skin, seems to transmit light of multiple wavelengths rather well… I think it’s blood and darker tissues that are the issue.


Omg i been waiting for something with a light that does more than just lights up. You said it was coming and well here it is. I will be ordering as soon as i get back in town. I need to figure out location now.


Daaaaaaaangit. I just got my XLed installed like, three weeks ago. This would have been awesome




Imagine the awesomeness of an XLED AND an SIID



I may have missed the memo. What color is the brightest one ? I was going to order but well i want bright bright

Yep, you did here is the MEMO :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Not a direct answer for you, but @Satur9 posted [this] in the xLED thread and it has some info for you,EDIT But nothing at all to do with SIID or LEDs :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

For what its worth, I would have assumed brightness on either
ROYGBIV or Colour LED voltage which is similar.
Guess there is a dash of electrical alchemy and a pinch of magic smoke and mirrors at work



sounds like green is brightest, then blue second brightest.

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The information I posted in the xLED thread related to the xGLO implant, and the luminous intensity of certain phospors when they’re bombarded with beta radiation. LEDs through the skin have slightly different mechanics.

The Green LEDs have the greatest light output, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they’ll appear the brightest. There’s other factors to consider, like the absorption of certain wavelengths of light by your tissue, and the perception of brightness in the human eye. We’ll all have to engage in some more testing, but I would wager that the red xSIID will subjectively appear as bright as the Green.

If I were you, I wouldn’t be so concerned with “brightness”. Pick the color you like. They’re all cool.