

I’m a 36 year old male. Living in California. I work for an at home care company taking care of Veterans, elderly and disabled persons. My father is a Lutheran minister, so I grew up in the church. I spent most of my informative years with a peer group that didn’t trust anyone and thought the “MAN” was out to get you and all technology was his to control. I was one of those people who taped over their cameras and never bought anything online, I shunned Facebook, MySpace, and similar services. And then one day something flipped in my head. I just thought , " damn, I’m doing things the hard way!". So I started educating myself, and learning what was possible, and what I found was that if done properly ANYTHING is possible! And implanted technology isn’t just the logical progression of human capabilities, I believe it’s inevitable! So, here I am! Master of my own evolution!And quite frankly, I chortle with contempt at the timid, naive and uneducated person I used to be!