

My name is Michael, (23/USA) I got my GREEN XSSID bundle yesterday on 9/13/2021 and installed the Green XSSID chip (in my left hand) and the XEM RFID chip (in my right hand) the same day. I implanted everything myself ( it took a total of ten minutes for each hand to insert the chip) I bought the numbing gel and let it sit for 20 minutes on each hand and it worked well. I didn’t feel a thing. I’ve posted everything that I was doing on Snapchat and the girls think it’s cool but the guys think it’s weird. When I first put the XSSID chip in, it glowed brightly through the band aid but after a few hours it looked kinda dim and sometimes I would see 2 lights. I was worried that the chips were malfunctioning because I’m not getting anything from the XEM RFID chip at all but I’ve heard that it sometimes takes 2 weeks for the chips to become responsive so I’ll give an update in 2 weeks on the performance of the chips. I’m going to buy the magnets today.