35$ Shipped - TinySA Spectrum Analyzer

Used for about a week and i decided i wanted the Ultra. Comes with everything. works great just dont need this one and the Ultra.

Note this is not a NanoVNA and is vastly different than one even though it looks very similar.


If I didn’t have a big one, I would be all over this.

To anyone interested, @Hamspiced is an awesome person, don’t hesitate, very stand-up :+1:


I’m not super informed on the technical side of things. What’s the difference practically speaking of this verses an vna?

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This is a spectrum analyzer, it allows you to see the RF spectrum in real time as it receives the data.

a VNA is a Vector Network Analyzer, it when paired with a correct mesauring device or an antenna can tell you characteristics of An antenna’s tuning or with a loop let you know where the power draw of a circuit is dropping the most. there are different EM based measurement probes that can be used. I dont know much about the VNA other than how i use it but i know it is VERY powerful and i just dont use it to its potiential.

Someone else could probably do a much better job explaining this than me as i use both to test my Meshtastic antenna and gear.


Perfect description :+1:
The x axis is the the frequency and the y axis the intensity.

The VNA is measuring the RLC characteristics of what is plugged in at different frequency. So you can connect an antenna to it and see how the antenna performance at different frequency. It send a signal out and see what comes back. The output is a neatly plotted on a smith chart.