Ability to Clone

Hello again. I’ve ordered the xNT implant, and would like some strong clarification about what can be done with it. For example, would I be able to use it to unlock the door to my grandmother’s apartment? The residents are given small blue key fobs to get in to the building, and it would be useful if I could use my implant for the same. Would there be a way to clone the fob on to the implant?
Also wondering how I might be able to unlock my phone/computer with it? What is the best hardware to get to be able to unlock my computer with the tag?

If anybody has any other good uses for the xNT specifically, I would love to hear them. I’m just not fully sure what I can/cannot do with it, versus the xEM.

Not sure… check out this thread - https://forum.dangerousthings.com/t/chip-compatibility-with-systems-and-devices

Not with the xNT. Assuming you read the thread linked above first… the ability to clone means the target chip must allow the UID to be changed… the xNT has an NTAG216 chip inside which does not allow this, so you cannot clone another chip’s ID to the xNT… but you might be able to enroll the xNT into the system though.

However, you stated that residents get “a little blue key fob” which may possibly mean it’s a 125khz EM based system… the major percentage of “little blue keyfobs” are 125khz EM… but it doesn’t always mean that. If that is the case though, then you could possibly clone one to our xEM implant… or just enroll the xEM if you don’t have access to reliable cloning hardware.

Both xNT and xEM have ID numbers that are typically used for access control of some kind. The xEM can change it’s ID while the xNT cannot. However, the xNT also has user programmable memory and is NFC Type 2 compliant. These devices are like golf clubs in a bag or paints on a pallet. What you can do with them is up to their features and what you can do with those features.

That is what I wondered, so I may end up getting an xEM in my other hand as well as the xNT.
I would not be able to user the user-programmable aspect of the xNT to ‘clone’ the fob, as the door reader would ignore that part of the data, correct? I am trying to understand how the data is structured on the device itself. I have read the article you linked, but wanted confirmation.

The door reader may use data stored in the user memory as well as the ID number… but I’d say pretty much every door reader is going to use the ID in some way… so without the correct ID, the user data is useless.