Alarm Lock PDL3000

I need to buy one of those, HID 5375 readers

but they are quite expensive brand new, I am keeping an eye on ebay and amazon for a well priced 2nd hand one. ( One I am watching one at the moment ) If anybody has one they want to sell or knows of one, please let me know :+1:

Ohhh, I wonder if we should start a “Wanted” Thread ( or buy, sell, exchange ) in the lounge.
But what would we call it?
ThingsWanted? :heart:
Amals List?
So close to

tenor (6)



Hahaha I’ll keep my eye out here. Being I am the locksmith here at my facility I can tend to do and make anything I want for the most part lol that’s how I was able to tare apart one of those 800 dollar Alarm Lock levers :joy::joy::joy::joy:


Perks of the job aye? Nice

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There is some perks and some that shouldnt be :joy::joy: I’m a institutional locksmith so I deal with prisons and mental health hospitals up and down Cali


Question for you then @Drwolfsburg
Do I need a license to have lock picks on me in cali? I have found conflicting advice.
I am an awful lock pick but I find the practice locks make good fidget toys…


Cool, you might just be “The Guy”, with a good chance of finding one that needs to be replaced ( I am open to repairing one if needed )
Just grab one for me, and let the inmates come and go as they please.
They will just have to go into self isolation and lockdown anyway :wink:


I have been looking for a wiegand controller just to mess around with myself :slight_smile: just cant justify the cost given I can make one with an Arduino…

DangerousCraig has my vote :smiley:


Not in California you do not need a license to possess lock picks. But if you get caught depending on what else the cop finds it can be tossed into the burglary tools category. So it’s up the cops discretion basically. Just don’t have a ski mask and and duffle bag and or glass cutters with you and you should be fine.

Ahhhh oh boy well that would not be the best thing that would ever happen. But if I find or half to replace an old one I will definitely let you know lol. I just replaced one the other day because the LED stopped working so I’m going to use that for my office door project.


If you happen upon another one after @Pilgrimsmaster ofc, I would be interested, just for you I would even do pickup :stuck_out_tongue:

Cool, ill leave those at home :stuck_out_tongue:


LoL alright sounds like a plan :vulcan_salute:

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That would be appreciated, I feel I have derailed your thread just enough now…