All commercialized implants and accessories Google Sheet

Here is a dump of ZINC’s product catalog, it took me days to compile all of this information. It contains all implants that were ever sold in significant batches along with their size and general classification:

Anyway I thought that

  • it would be useful to y’all

  • you could help me fact-check

I’m sure I’ve missed some in general and the release dates are not all very accurate (some are the earliest reference I could find online).

In addition here is a compilation of information about the implants. @init6 I thought you’d like this, especially the guide.pdf, a relic you might not have added to your book yet :wink:


Now expanded with short descriptions.

You’ll be able to browse all that in ZINC of course, soon :grin:


This is amazing! I’ve been looking for something like this, as you kinda have to be in the know/have been around awhile to get an overview of what’s out there. This definitely simplifies that, thanks.


Ngl, I had no idea some of these existed before doing this

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Can someone provide context for this and fill in the history a bit?

ZINC is an app I created for experimenting with biomagnets and nfc. Within it you can add your implants and manage them. That involved manually creating a catalog (database) of all past and presently available implants from which the user can pick.

I thought that list would be useful to the community so I made a Google sheets and shared it here.

It also contains implant-related gadgets.

Of course I might have made mistakes or forgotten things so feel free to correct me.
