I am tired of losing access cards and keys for my apartment and locks.
My access card for work is a MIFARE DESfire EV2. I still don’t have a lock for my apartment.
My expectation is that I can use the chip for accessing work and checking in. I talked to some cool guys and they said I can possibly get access with my new implant. It just needs to be signed off by someone high enough. Which possibly isn’t a problem. In case it is, I want to have a kind of versatile chip that can be used for other stuff.
I want to get an RFID lock for my apartment door and garage. As far as I was able to unterstand the basics behind MIFARE is that I can only access one system with encryption and use the UID for accessing other stuff like my apartment door, garage, logging in with Windows, using a lock for travel cases, etc…
Would you recommend something more versatile? Is it the right choice for such application? Can I install the chip between my thumb and index finger? Is installing a flexable chip more difficult than the X-Series?
The flexDF2 and it’s injectable counterpart xDF2 are, to my knowledge, your only choices for work. And if you end up not being able to have it enrolled, you CAN’T clone your badge to the implant.
If your work is using just the UID, and not encryption, then you MIGHT be able to use an apex flex. But someone smarter than me will have to help you there.
Neither DF2 chips have many readers that have been proven to work with them in the compatibility matrix.
The answer to all of these use cases is MAYBE.
There is PROBABLY an RFID lock or reader to fit each of those uses. Again, the compatibility matrix doesn’t have much that’s been proven to work with the DF2 chips. So you would need to research any other readers to be sure that they use not only the same frequency as your implant, but also a compatible CHIP.
And just because a reader is using the frequency and chip as your implant, the manufacturer could still not allow you to usechips other than the ones they sell.
Since you can’t change the UID on the DF2, everything you plan to use the implant with would have to allow you to add your own UID. Not all locks allow you to do this.
Do you know if they are actually using DESFire features? Buying a secure chip but not actually using those features is a thing that happens, haha.
Kinda. DESFire is different in that different applications can be stored on the card. So readers select the ones they’re interested in. MIFARE Classic is a different animal more like what you’re talking about but DESFire isn’t compatible with it.
Sorry for being so short. in the middle of a lot of work rn, but thought of dropping this one in just in case:
If your work uses DF2, then one’s to assume they are leveraging the encryption of DesFire. If that’s the case you won’t be able to clone your work badge into your chip.
If so, you would need to get someone from your work to allow you to enroll your chip into their access control system (which is also an unlikely scenario, given how ignorant most corporate security chiefs usually are)
So I recommend making sure they will allow you to do so before getting a chip if that is your main reason.
That said, my DF2 is my favorite implant by a country mile!
Mine is an old antenna style FlexDF2 with a custom LED Nail encased together, on top of it. (For blinkies)
(there are some pictures of it somewhere on the forum)
The range is far beyond expected (my guess is that the Nail’s antenna might act as a mini range booster?)
It’s really resilient: I’ve bumped my hand on top of it so many times… even got a deep cut on my hand right on top of it that left a scar, and the chip is completely fine!
I use it with some custom scripts to run my door lock and computer access leveraging it’s encryption.
Also have some NDEFs in there, one with my contact (which I stopped using because you always need to guess where’s every phone’s antenna, so QR codes work best), and another with some externally encrypted backup data for stuff.
With some clever designs, you can also leverage it’s internal encryption to store some external keys. it takes a stretch and some binary math, but is doable.
The main issue is…
There are very few things ready out of the box for it out there, and there isn’t any proper documentation available for it (it’s all hidden behind MiFare’s NDAs)
So it’s one of those that either you have a use case that requires it, or you’ll enjoy reverse engineering things to make full use of it.
Completely off topic, so sorry. However I reckon we could use a thread where we just give the most random references to a post we saw years ago and see just how fast you find it!
Thank you everyone for your help and input! very much appreciated! <3
I may not be able to find anyone to install a flex implant. I can only install an xSeries implant since I know one person that can install x-implants and only x-implants. Does anyone know when the xDF2 DESFire will be back in stock?
I read some article meantioning that the xSeries is not the best for range. Is that very noticable?
I was thinking about an alternative. I live in Germany and the website digiwell.com is local and buys the implants from DangerousThings.
I was looking at the xM1 gen2 Mifare Classic and the cool thing about it is it being able to be cloned. I am not sure if we need a DESfire at work, the guy told me other chips can be used (I will ask for the specific chip type next week). The door lock I have in sight is compatable with the Mifare Classic.
Would you recommend the classic for such application?
I am using an RFID tag that is 5mmx5mm glued with double sided adhesive on my finger nail. I unlock windows with Rohos and this tag. When a tag is setup with Rohos, what is exactly written on the tag? Or is it only read by the software?
And would anyone recommend a book on RFID technology and how they exactly work in full detail? I find the technology really interesting and I am more of a book type of a guy instead of reading things online.
Yes. Flexes mostly behave like your average badge. The x-series need contact with most readers and in some cases can’t be read if the reader is not ideal.
I was able to find someone and I got the flex installed.
I have some issues with th eimplant. It is still freshly implanted and I am asking for kind of troubleshooting.
Before implanting it I was able to read it very quickly using my iPhone. After implanting and directly trying to test it, I found it to be very difficult. I had to take the case off my iPhone to read it.
Is it normal to be hard to read after implanting? Can blood be an issue for allowing RFID signals? With my NFC reader on my desktop it is reading good enough even after having it swollen.
The piercer did use an artery clamp to push it in. Can it be damaged while installing? To my understanding, the copper wires create a current by passing through magnetic field and powering the chip. How many circuits does the DESfire EV2 flex implant has? Can one circuit be damaged and the other functining causing bad “reception”?
It is normal to have difficulty reading it for about two weeks after install. Your body needs time to heal. It may not look swollen but it is. Give it time. There are likely a thousand posts on here saying the same thing. It happened to all of us. Don’t panic.