Any update on NExT2?

Hey hey,

Been a while since I’ve seen anything on this so just checking in. Think I’ve sated the implant bug for the moment but once it comes back, having NFC + T55 + a LED in one implant would be perfect.



To be fair that is what the flexNExT was.

We are still waiting for our fourth batch of prototypes to arrive so we can confirm before going into production.


“What’s after the first NExT?”
“You mean the next one?”
“Yeah, what’s after it?”
“The NExT2.”
“No, I just want to know about the next one.”
“Then why did you ask about what comes after it?”




Then after that is the NextNextNExT obviously.


That’s about the last thing I needed to hear, and just when I was about to order a NeXT, now I’m gonna have to wait because that’s just about exactly what I was wanting in an implant

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What is it specifically you are wanting?

I’m primarily wanting RFID (specifically for an xAC project I’m waiting on parts for) and an LED (because I think that’s cool) the NFC is just a nice bonus and having it all in one implant would be perfect.

I would recommend getting an xEM and an xSIID. Same thing as a NExT2 but it’s actually real.

You can install those two implants side by side if you want as they run at different frequencies. Just keep them 5mm apart and you should be good.

As for the NExT2, it’ll probably take a while for it to get released as DT is a very picky company when it comes to quality and for good reason. And it will be the exact same thing as the two implants that I suggested.