Anybody here participating in CTF's?

You’d probably dig then

To be honest it’s crazy what people don’t lockdown that they should. I will tell you I’ve literally tailgated into a Silicone manufacturer. And as soon as you put a :rabbit: “bunny suit” on nobody notices you. Management and our team had a very hard reality for them. I will say not 3 months later an employee left with many schematic’s back home and was rewarded handsomely I’m sure.

Clipboard is more useful than a lockpick in many occasions, its wild what you can get done with just pretending you belong.

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I know I’ve gotten into places I’m not supposed to be by pretending, but I’m not the quickest at deflecting. And you would be amazed at the number of times in a day randos walk up to me and start to bullshit. It’s like 25 times a day if I’m out in the wild.

Social Engineering has taken up 70% of my field time anymore.

Days of dumpster diving and remote cell stations are no more. Human interaction is needed in most case scenarios now days.

Part of me misses fuckin around with lineman handsets

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IDK what I would do for work if I stopped red teaming or consulting, honestly.

I think I might have an early midlife crisis, lmao

My main job is a crisis lol, the odd time I can get away and do some red teaming is much preferred.


I did MSP work in highschool and after that vowed to never sit at an IT desk job again, lol.

Well add me to a discord and teach me lol. Yall seem cool so it would be fun to learn


Funny that you posted this topic,
Anyway you can hack your way into my google account, I literally
Locked myself out this afternoon
My backup two-step number for account verification is a google voice number that I’m now logged out of…:robot:


ill learn and get you your password in like 15 months :wink:

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15 months!!!.. Still faster then me.

I got the password, it’s the two step verification process that I cant complete, Because I’m logged out of my account I cant retrieve the code they send.
I want to throw my Chromebook out the window right now.

Support …

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Yeah I’m trying that, its gonna take 3-5 business days for a response and I doubt they’ll grant me access, but thank you anyways.
Update: Google just granted me access back to my account.




Cookity Pop

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Ha, I missed that part apparently… Congrats??? @MouSkxy


I am always doinf CTFs, im based out of Austin TX. Im down if your getting A team together.