Anyone have any experience with getting an MRI done with a chip?

When I had my chip done, I thought I was smart. I had an injury that required an MRI before surgery, so I got my chip done a month after that.

Well, as things happen, the issue returned, and I need a new MRI in the coming month, now with a chip.

I told my doctor about it, he noted it down but didn’t seem too worried about it. But, I’d like to know if any of you have had it done, and if so, were there any issues? Anything to prepare specifically for my chip, could it be wiped or something?

I have a Basic NeXT chip

Yep, they’re certified MRI safe:

As for the chip itself, it may experience a slight loss in performance as the ferrite core can get magnetized and mess with the fields, but this should be temporary and the chip should return to normal after some time


Technically"MRI conditional" with the conditions being “monitor the patient during the procedure and stop if there is any noticable discomfort or sensation”, which is hilarious to me because this is what you have to do for any MRI procedure.