Apex Ring and Fidesmo Pay

Hey, what’s up everyone,

I’ve been thinking about getting a pre-order for the apex ring but recently saw they ran out of stock on the product site. I was wondering if the apex ring was in beta right now or if it’s officially out now. And I was also wondering if it came with Fidesmo Pay or any other payment options.

getcybernetic.com sells the ring. It supports the whole Fidesmo platform including Pay.

If you are outside Europe, Pay will not be useful right now.

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getcybernetic.com sells a Fidesmo-provisioned P71 chip in a ring form factor. Its the same chip in the Apex Ring and the Apex Flex. Cybernetic has a partnership with Dangerous Things/VivoKey, but their ring and the Apex ring are separate devices.

I’m not sure when DT will begin selling the rings but unless you really need one right away it might make sense to wait. I haven’t heard anything at all about GetCybernetic’s products in terms of reviews, customer service, etc.

As a hint:

  • the Apex Ring I bought came in a box branded “Cybernetic”
  • an Apex Ring scanned in the Fidesmo app shows up as a “Cybernetic”

The current plan is that the “apex ring” won’t come back in stock. If you want one, feel free to buy one from Cybernetic. It’s a different company technically, but it’s spun off from vivokey and it’s the same product. There never were two manufacturing runs, only one.

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Yeah the ring started as a VivoKey product Apex Ring but VivoKey and the team want to continue to be focused on implants so we spun out a new company Cybernetic Research with a new CEO. While VivoKey will remain focused on development, this new company is focused on bringing wearables and possibly implants to market.


Thanks for the clarification.


Hi, yall! Long time no write here! :hugs:

I just got my apex ring but it neither came with the fidesmo pay applet nor can I get it installed through the fidesmo manager app. Really just doesn’t pop up in either the app interface or their self-service platform.

Any help would be greatly appreciated! :blush::+1:

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hmm… can you go to settings in the fidesmo app and enable screenshots then post a screenshot of your device? be sure to block out the Fidesmo ID of your ring though… that’s considered sensitive info. Also show a screenshot of the apps available when you tap “Connect a service”?


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well this looks… strange. i will consult with Fidesmo. You should definitely see a Fidesmo Pay option in there.


can you DM me your fidesmo device ID?


Setting up Fidesmo Pay has anecdotally only worked on Android devices, not iPhone due to Apple restrictions

Yep this was the issue. To be crystal clear on the subject, the problem has to do with the AID on the chip that must be accessed to deploy payment tokens. Apple blocks all access to standard payment AIDs, and the NXP line of smartcard chips requires access to these AIDs in order to deploy the token.

However, Infineon has produced a solution - they use non-standard AIDs to deploy tokens to the payment applications on chip. Apple only blocks the standard payment AIDs so iOS can be used to deploy tokens to Infineon chips. The downside is that Infineon chips are vastly inferior to NXP smartcard chips in many important ways, and we don’t use them for our products.