It has been a while, Welcome back.
Sooo, No conumdrum just yet, there are still quite a few easy avenues for you to take before you need to get all proxmark-y.
What implant(s) do you have currently?
Did you try to scan your card with your phone using TagInfo app( Or similar )
Do you have DT Diagnostic card?
Do you have xField detectors ( HF and LF )
Can you post a picture of the access Card / fob ( Front and Back )
Can you post a picture of the access panel(s) if there are different ones.?
Is there any writing on the card / fob / panels?
We will talk about social engineering later if we need to; So for now I think that is a good start, and if you can answer those questions for us, you may / or may not still need to send your card to @Compgeek who has kindly offered their services.
Are you in Melbourne?
You never know @Compgeek might be just around the corner…I know Australia is just a little Island / Continent.