Bad info in trusted parter map

It sounds like a worthwhile project, however, It is a big job for one person to do and difficult, to stay on top of.

“A burden shared is a burden halved” :scissors:
“Many hands make light work” :raised_hands:

I don’t know about the rest of you, but I would prefer we left DT to concentrate on running the business, R&D :man_scientist: etc., and the more we can help them the more WE will benefit in the long run.
( That is if they wan’t our help in this situation )

There are a couple of approaches, and without putting too much thought into it, one of them is;
As the community, I would suggest:-
We ask Dangerous Things IF they would like a hand and if so what exactly they need…
We start a new thread
" Current Piercing partners " or similar, this can then be a single repository from which DT can update their list / Webpage from.
( I could see this getting messy though, Maybe an online document editable by all, Somebody else may have a better idea here )
If this is done in a set format as requested by DT, then they can just copy and paste to the Webpage ( HTML???)

To give it some form of informal coordination and prevent double-ups, maybe check the thread and see who has/hasn’t been contacted, start with your own City/ State/ Country/ Continent.
Take the responsibility ourselves to, call/contact the currently listed partners and ask a consistent list of questions as per DT request: ( eg below )
Confirm their contact details
Business name
Contact name
Social Media
Prices ( Local currency :dollar: : :pound: :euro: )

  • xSeries
  • Flex

There is the “issue” of what to do with the non-partner piercers that have been used and recommended by the community??? Maybe a separate WIKI or a separate section in the current CLONING What and WHERE called “community recommended non-partner installers” or similar

Of course, there are other approaches, and this is just a suggestion

I also suggest we wait out :clock1: , and let @mdanger or @amal give us direction if they want it or leave them to it.

Thats my