Great work mate, I would have looked to do something like that if I had the skills you have, also an awesome use of the
One question I had was
Is that request necessary or just part of the initial beta version?
Looks really promising and I think a one-stop-shop for all the points that have been raised is the way to go.
Maybe handled via Map layers.
Unofficial installers
proxmarks near me ( people may not want to share actual address but cities or pubs etc where they may be happy to meet up ?)
Events ( which could be given a validity and expiry date unless it is a reoccurring event etc)
I am also happy give you access to host on my Synology NAS which runs 24/7, or at least as a fail over…
Before you do too much more, I definitely think you should wait for @amal to see if it lines up with what he is planning, hopefully he is onboard and this will save him the time and one more thing he can remove from “his list” and focus on making us som more cool stuff 
I have some more thoughts and suggestions but
I’ll wait until I’m back at a computer, and I’ll update this post.
Again great work, and I hope this gets legs
too far away from what others had envisioned.
For what it is worth, it is very much along the similar lines as to what I was thinking, but didn’t have the skills to implement it.
I did not import data from @Pilgrimsmaster 's wiki
Mate, I have no issue, you are not “treading on my toes” I personally think your solution is better, and I would have done it your way if I knew how to.
I had considered a search function but I actually feel a map-based solution is the way to go ( It takes out spelling issues etc) simply zoom to your part of the world 

and select the layer(s) you want to see and
there’s your info!
That is, if you agree it is suitable and do-able.
Maybe overlay buttons to select layers?
There currently is not an ability to add events and there is also not an ability to edit an existing location. Those would both be on the roadmap
I think it is an important “layer”?, but like you say, not the priority at the moment.
If needed in the meantime, we can delete a location and readd it with additional/updated information.
readd??? I ass-u-me that is supposed to be “edit”
Also on “additional/updated information.” do you think a google map link/ hyperlink would be a good addition? or do you need to start getting google APIs etc???
I know it is simple enough to type it in or copy and paste address, but if you can make it smarter, then why not?
Discussion points:
Oops, does that mean that the points above were not up for discussion?

- Are the problems that exist (finding non-partner installers, finding someone to clone RFID, etc) serious and widespread enough to require a solution?
If it is a problem, then it is definitely a first-world problem, However, throughout the forum, there are plenty of examples of people talking about their nearest partner being 3 hrs away,8hrs away, in a neighboring country…
- Is this the best solution to such problems (as opposed to threads, wikis, etc in the DT forums or something else)?
One-stop shop!!!
- Go looking for a partner
- Nearest is 3000km’s, in another country
- Jump back on the forum
- Trawl, search until you find a comment or 3 with places people have used in the past
Go to @thunderblaster’s fantabulistic Bio-hacking map 
- As of now, anyone can create locations but only Vivokey users can delete them (once you’ve logged in, you’ll have a Delete button on each marker).
Definitely a workable idea, as proven by your demo
My thinking is that there needs to be as little friction as possible to creating locations or else it won’t get enough use.
Absolutely, AND you also wan’t it to be easy for partners to add/edit/ delete their information, but your “anybody add” solution manages this well, except delete ( I’ll touch on this below )
Requiring Vivokey to delete may be entirely unnecessary, but it does protect against vandalism.
This is from left field, and highly unlikely BUT you could have 2 installers in the same city and one installer hates the other, or wants all the business and if they have a Vivokey they could remove the other installer… again unlikely but food for thought! ( I’ll touch on this below )
If you see something that is inaccurate and don’t have a Vivokey, there’s nothing you can do about that. That’s not ideal.
They could just simply raise it in the forum ( hyperlink to a dedicated thread or PM Group ) and it could be attended to by a Vivokey owner, or a dedicated group??? just spitballing
But a dedicated group gives a little more control of deletions as mentioned above.
That is, if the person above is a DT Forum member.
If not, is there a way to create a notification / flag / alert that will link from your webpage to DT / Vivokey notification???
- Aside from allowing anyone to easily add information, it doesn’t fundamentally change the problem of possibly having outdated or inaccurate information. Thoughts?
Not easy, Maybe the onus could be put on the potential implantee, with a note saying something like!?!
All best efforts have been made to keep this information accurate, however, It is your responsibility to contact the partner to ensure… If you do find inaccurate information, please follow THIS link to report it ( as discussed above or similar )
Another idea, but, How easy / difficult would it be to send a notification ( email? ) to the partner etc. to acknowlede and reply/accept the information is correct after a period of inactivity eg 12 months;
This leads me to my next question, could you add maybe a star rating system, so when they get a star rating, it resets their 12 month countdown.
If a star rating system is possible, it could be used for non- approved partners etc, but for both, having a set of ratings:


Overall rating

(Price is subjective, but it also seems to vary immensley amongst installers)
- How should events work? Some events are recurring/annual; should those be shown year round?
I think so, again if you do an event layer, you can look around the map to find one. Maybe have it as a subtitle on the label
Annually - Mid June
Location changes, watch this space
Or similar ( I just made up that date)
How should the specific dates and location (which may vary year-to-year) be handled? Should there be two types of events, recurring and one-off?
Location and dates for an event that moves is Tricky, depending on if you know the next location, but you could leave the Pin on the map of the previous location with the note like I gave in the example above, until it can be updated ( By Vivokey holder or group-member )
Presumably after a one-off ends, it would drop from the map.
Agreed, I can’t see a reason to keep it? Too much clutter in my opinion, thats why I think the layers would be good.
professional body piercers
body modification partners
unoffical partner
- Any other types of location that might be helpful to mark? Any other services that might be useful to track?
I’m sure these will rise to the surface if this progress’, but there seems to be plenty of stuff to add already.
Due to this thread about Laws on implanting around the world I did think about creating a Wiki for this, but again a map-based solution would suit this much better.
AGAIN, and sorry to harp on about it, but I could see this working if you could source the correct map for it ( country map ) but there are considerations, such as, In the USA it appears implantation laws can vary from state to state and I’m sure other examples
I can’t help with much, but, if this is of interest I could consolidate this information for you ( and / or put it into a wiki until you are ready for it
- This is currently running on a Raspberry Pi at my house, which is fairly reliable but it will absolutely go down if there’s a power outage or my home internet fails. This keeps it free which means it won’t hurt my wallet and I don’t have to solicit donations or anything. But if anyone has a better idea for hosting, I’m all ears
If DT is onboard, then maybe hosted on the same server as their Websites? or they could manage and give you access to maintain???
try and discourage and/or prevent anyone from being an asshole and doing anything malicious.
Would you run some form of backup system to roll back to in case of this?
One more thing, in the future will it be possible to have it mobile optimised for when browsing from mobile platform?
Just asking because, the info pop out stays tiny throughout zoom levels
now that I have just thrown out all these things that may or may not be possible, I do apologize, but of course, I will help out wherever I can!
Anyway, I hope this is what you are after