Before buying NeXt chip

Hello, just before buying first implant i would like to ask if this implant is capable of doing several thing in the same time, im supposing as there is the LowF and HighF it can do at least 2 things in the same time right? (Sharing URL and card cloning for example)

Thanks for the help


The T5577 can emulate most LF tags, and the NTAG can share a link, for example.


Yep can open lf and hf and can have your weblinks all at the same time. Cant change hf uid tho. That on lockdown.


Yes. I use my NExT every day for multiple purposes.

  1. LF side has my work badge cloned, so it opens the doors at the office for me with a wave of the hand. (Be careful if you do this, though, as some companies frown on this practice.)
  2. I use the UID of the HF side as part of my domain password, so I type a couple of characters and then scan my hand on the USB Reader to complete my password. This has saved me SO MUCH TIME in the typing of complex passwords at work. When my password expires, I just change the two prefix characters that I type before I scan.
  3. I have my LinkTree saved to the HF side, so when I want to share my contact information, I can have a person scan my hand (assuming they have a phone that has adequate NFC power).

I also have an xG3 on the top of my hand for holding small screws and such, and I have an xSIID in the other hand for funsies, but it also is useful for passwords and storing data. I have a second xSIID still in its syringe waiting to go into the top of my hand as well!

Have fun!