Best reader for range with Apex Flex?

I’m surprised I couldn’t find any discussion on this, I’m probably bad at searching. Please link relevant threads if you know any!

I’d like to buy a reader for unlocking my door that works at a distance greater than the 0mm everything seems to need so far. Do y’all have any recommendations? Where do I look for that sort of thing?

Online I can find (very expensive) 13.56Mhz readers that claim to be long range, but I have no way of knowing if the range improvements will apply to the small size of the flex, and I imagine it’s possible they’d perform even worse. They’re almost certainly designed for credit-card sized nfc tags.

I found Best reader for Apex Flex / flexSecure - #7 by Blu3Rats which is similar but asking a different question (how to get the best/most reliable connection vs longest range).

Also, be aware that the RSP can improve performance of many types of readers as well. As a bonus, the RSP will soon get an update with multiple types and sizes of repeater stickers; 20mm and 27.5mm stickers, and the 62mm rigid thin PCB.


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: NFC antenna amplifier/Resonance Circuit project

Hey, here is a humble ask. Since we always complain of lack of stickers, is there a way to have a batch of repeaters with logos printed on them?


oh interesting hahah… i mean the answer is yes, but the question is then do we want to manage two SKUs … lemme think about it