Blinkies on flexies are gonnies

:pleading_face: This is so sad.

Guess it’ll be a while longer before I get any light up implants. The tiny LEDs on the x chips aren’t fancy enough for me.

But that’s okay… until there’s a fix or better option, I can still focus on mags :relaxed: Patiently waiting for that xG3 v2 to drop.

Maybe we’ll soon hear more on this innovation? Looks like a great option for pure cosmetic purposes. Could be a nice addition to one’s hacker hand.

came out of biopoly processing with busted LEDs… never even made it to the test bench.

no there are already ideas floating around.


Wow, that’s surprising.

Okay here’s a thought: can you overlay one, possibly two of those on top of the flexMN in lieu of the nails? For extra mulla is okay by me.

Just waiting for these to hit the store.

that is a nfc nail . same thing… i’ve just been using nails in all these things so far… but they just really really suck for this… so i’m scheming something for the Apex Jumbo and if it works then we’ll explore making it for other chip types too including flexMN and flexMT… i’m thinking 4 LEDs not 3…


Ah okay. I thought it was a real LED with a copper antenna.

Well alrighty then. Scheme away :slight_smile: If you come up with something before springtime (Finnish spring that is, April/May) that’ll be good. If you don’t, I might just go blinkie-less and rethink my projects. Or I’ll think of something after I’m done processing the ethanol in my system.



it was bandied about elsewhere in the forum but basically there is an idea that Apex could come in a Jumbo form factor like flexMN and flexMT without too much fuss… so as long as we are exploring that option we are also going to explore the idea of adding LEDs to this design… and if that works then we can expand the idea of adding LEDs back into other flex products too.



Did those went to the processing with the new “extra resin backing” feature you mentioned on the FlexNExT thread? or were they just “regular”? (like in my Wedge)

Did anyone ever tried to use a flexible PCB which is made for this purpose? You could have the antenna be a part of the PCB, solder the NFC chip and the LED on it. The LED could be as small as 0201 or 0402 and the board could hold multiple chips.

yeah and i think this is the reason they borked… the resin shrinks a little during curing and then we thermocycle it … so i think it’s ripping passives from the flexpcb

yeah this is part of “plan #2” haha :slight_smile: … but the important thing is to not be shitty like the NFC nails… those are small passives soldered to a flex PCB and they suck.


Makes sense.

This means the nails as they come, on top of the chip for a Wedge… might still be viable.
Might… Let’s see how the example we got implanted behaves within a couple more months.

I would still be apprehensive with them (with or without resin backing) on a disk form-factor though…

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It sounds like this is a manufacturing process difficulty exclusively that cased this decision, is there much concern about the ones that did survive encapsulation failing in vivo?

And should they fail, do we expect it affects the reliability of the tag as a whole or just the LEDs?

yes both manufacturing issues and it is still unproven if the resin coating will actually help the LEDs survive in the wild… a lot of unknowns… too many… so I’m just shutting it down until we can sort a better solution.

not necessarily… they will just stop working but the chip should still work fine in the flexMN or flexMT with LEDs.

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Yup, I’m doing that. PaulT is also doing something similar. The NFC fingernails are also flex PCBs, they’re just design, fabricated, and populated very poorly because they’re cheap disposables. Feel free to ping me if you want to chat about it sometime.


Exactly what I would be concerned about! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Those are made as mass product in China, what do you expect.