Body Augmentation / Reduction Discussion

Gonna come off as aggressive here, so take this as intended and not as it sounds - too late/tired to come at this gently/carefully. Except for the parts where you wade into full on transphobia by basically making your argument “It’s gross to me.” And sorry this is long, but there’s no short way to respond.

First, check the language, it shows a fundamental lack of understanding of trans issues. Do some reading, or ask questions.

Second, if your primary argument is based in lack of function defined solely as reproductive, would your argument be obviated if someone were to be sterile prior to undergoing surgery? Prior to hormones?

Regarding sexual pleasure, not imagination - the body/brain map, which is often thought to be responsible for body dysmorphia like the desire to have a functional limb removed. Some suggest the same mechanism is at work in trans folks, but it is unlikely given the broader variations on gender we see, and similar emotional responses.

When I had my surgery (I’m a full six speed trans here), I had very little trouble with my sexual pleasure afterwards, and generally with modern techniques, supportive therapy and partners, and a few other things, that’s overwhelmingly the story among us. If you’re getting your ideas from the 70s or from detransitioners, more often than not you’re getting tainted second hand information written in a manner to be discouraging and disinformational.

This is literally already the process though? Like, exactly? Word for word, line for line? Look up the WPATH standards of care.

…You’re a libertarian, aren’t you? Look - where does this end? If you don’t work with power tools for a living and aren’t a trained professional, should you be held accountable when your table saw comes up for a kiss because your concentration slipped, or you were doing your best Colin Furze and wearing a tie? Like, we like to talk a big game about personal responsibility but that all gets into grey territory real fast, and when you’re bleeding out or need your face reconstructed.

At any rate, while we’re on the topic, how do you feel about little blue pills? Men as they age NATURALLY lose testosterone, yet it’s commonly accepted that society pays for their boners (in, like, literally every way). If you’re opposed to paying for unnatural things, are you opposed to this too?

PS - In case we’re suggesting in this that transition care isn’t medically necessary, every actual (real) medical and psychological association have all agreed it is absolutely a genuine medical condition, regardless of where it comes from, and that the sole treatment for it is supportive transition. Note this does NOT include gender identity crises from things like a Borderline Personality Disorder, which respond to traditional psychological care.

To an extent this is true, but the counter to that is in the fundamentals of harm reduction, which is “Dead addicts don’t recover.” So while I wholly agree that some reeking junkie on the subway is repulsive and “got themselves there,” unfortunately we actually don’t know what led them here, and they deserve the chance to recover from that. Everyone does.

Remember back in the 40s when part of European society decided that certain people shouldn’t live among it? (Or like all of American history when it comes to black and Native peoples?) Society is fucking terrible at judging value of human life and wellbeing. Maybe society shouldn’t be the sole arbiter, but instead basic morality and a common sense of the best for everyone should instead guide society?

What they see themselves as being is not relevant. And given the very real detriment they face especially in contrast of modern care for trans health considerations, this is a false equivalence. Transgender folks are up to 1% of the population. In fact, until the aforementioned angry guys from the 40s came around, there was a vast library documenting the existence of gender variance from cultures around the world.

Here here.

And here it comes, the real argument. Might I add “YIKES.”

Yet I assume you would argue something else when it comes to guns, fast motor vehicles, and whatever else you’ve rationalized.

Accessibility should NOT be dependent on charity and individuals. This should be an assumed right with all the money boner pills and boondoggle fighter jets get thrown at them. See before about society’s priorities.

This boils down to the societal norms and pressures put upon someone. In any free society where this was not considered a bog standard part of being a woman, essentially no woman would “want” this to happen (barring literally a couple in the same boat as the wannabe amputees), and when the knowledge and understanding of it and the genuine concept of freedom of choice is denied her, then yes, she cannot possibly consent. It’s no different from a child growing up in a cult being told it’s time to marry the leader. You simply cannot consent - consent in the face of a lack of understanding is never consent.

It’s worth understanding that FGM genuinely fucks your body up though, it’s not merely removing some nerves, it’s often destroying other parts of the vagina, such as removal of the vulva and labia, which often inhibits natural lubrication and results in lifelong pain and heightened infection risk, and not just from sex. It’s a ghastly procedure. Ergo, the likelihood of anyone genuinely and willfully consenting is effectively nil.

What’s funny about that is how the idea of circumcision is the acceptance of the covenant with G-d, and since an infant cannot possibly accept such a thing (see consent above), I firmly oppose it despite being Jewish and having formerly been circumcised myself as a baby, and suffering no known ill effects. But I think it should be an adult item, and I think in today’s world it would die out immediately if it weren’t forced upon children (especially in the way it’s done in some of the insular communities).

Anyway, that’s my batshit long diatribe, but I think it’s largely coherent for having taken an absurd amount of time arguing against the same misinformed ideas in today’s society as we had 50 years ago.


I read your post, not disregarding it. With the subject at hand, I am choosing to respond to this part only.

I think you missed my point, or I wasn’t clear enough.
I was getting at the fact that there are people out there struggling already, trying to come up with their own ideas. I agree with you about it shluld be a right. The fact is however, it is not a right currently, and I don’t foresee it happening anytime soon.

That just leaves me asking you why you are so upset people do that, should they stop? I know at the start of your post you said you were gonna come off aggressive, and don’t worry, it isn’t personal.

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I think I completely understand that - it’s a topic that is of really great importance to you, and I guess you had to answer all those questions, fight all those prejudices and have all that arguments many, many times before. If a matter of such importance has to be explained again and again (to different people, of course, but always facing the same or at least similar problems), and people just don’t seem to get it, that’s a kinda painful feeling. Though I’m in no ways trans or anything similar, I got other topics where this happens, and I fully understand that there is a time where you can simply no longer be gentle about it.
Still, I think this is a very open-minded community, so I assume first that nothing of the things anyone here said were said to harm someone but rather out of ignorance. Which is a problem, but also a chance as well - for you are here and able to inform others, and even if it might be tiring to do so again and again, it can and will help, for people here are open to hear what you got to say.

Totally. I always get kinda nervous when people say that “it’s their own fault, so we don’t have to help”. This might be economically correct, but it is so incredibly wrong ethically.

Should be that way, of course - but how would you try to achieve that? And there is a long and difficult discussion about what the “best for everyone” actually is - different people will give very different answers to that. I mean, we have the declaration of human rights, and it is disregarded in many parts of the world…
I’d say the “best for everyone” would be a world with freedom of speech, gender, religion, sexuality, body autonomy and everything else as long as no unwilling person gets harmed (and I mean, harmed - not “put in discomfort for seeing things he doesn’t like”) - at this point already, many religious and conservative people would stongly contradict. And, other side of the medal, a world where we take care of humans, other animals and the nature as a whole, not exploiting everything around us… But I have honestly no freakin’ idea on how to achieve that world, given the very nature of human beings.

Thanks for formulating better what I tried to say - of course, there are girls who “want” this to be done to them, who say yes to this procedure, but that can’t be seen as informed or free consent at all.

The counter to that is that like you said, you missed my point. I never said they should stop. Quite the opposite. Even if we have the priority of doing it, there will always be hackers and makers and thinkers who will have a better way. But it should not be incumbent upon them. Does that explain it better?

I am angry not that they’re doing it, but that they HAVE to when industry should’ve reached that point a decade ago, but has no impetus to do so because society doesn’t. That explain it better?

Yup. This guy could easily do his own damn reading - I recommend Brynn Tannehill’s “Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Trans” book. It covers, like, literally ALL of the bases, better than I can, and is written like a research paper because it’s fully cited. @anon3825968 can go see all of this in full scientific detail, but he seems to have been taken in by the disinformation sewn by the anti-trans crowd.

But nevertheless, education is sometimes left up to those in the communities affected by ignorance, and I think he’s trying to be a bit of a needling jerk about it in places, but that sounds like a personality issue, not actual malice. Maybe he’ll take from it and learn.

That said, it is never the duty or responsibility of the affected community to educate. Many of us have a hard enough time with the day to day of it and the bullshit staring and dirty looks. The information is out there, people can educate themselves, but they’re disinclined to do it, thinking they already know it all.

It’s kinda not though. Services for the homeless are underfunded and we still spend tons of money on that, on food banks, on social services, and of course, criminal motherfucking “justice,” and when the true answers stare us right in the fucking face we avert our eyes.

Yes, we should focus first on certain things first like homelessness in veterans and the like, but remember how much those populations intersect. People often turn to this shit cause they don’t see how their lives can get WORSE. So help them make it better. Ideally people should be helped to transition to self-subsistence, but there’s nothing that says we need to stop there.

lol, welcome to America. But really, there are greater thinkers than I on every street corner, so how we would define that, I dunno. But I think it’s simply defined as doing the best for everyone in their individual case. What that is would be left to science and medicine to help define, with the aid of folks more empathetic than driven by numbers and data, so we don’t end up with gatekeeping. I can’t answer the questions of voluntary amputees, but I’ve also read that a number of them do regret it if they succeed, for one reason or another, so some things need to be carefully weighed certainly.

Well, what definition of free speech is the question. Total? Shout fire in a crowded theater? What about freedom to spread lies and misinformation for the lulz like that kid did about the NZ “outbreak?” Or about vaccines. Or masks. Then how do we address blatant hate speech like the goddamned Nazis? Your right to swing your arms ends where my nose begins, you know?

And I know Canada and the UK and Germany tried to suppress hate speech and people claim it just went underground, but ya know what? UK TV normalized interracial relationships a long time ago. We still can’t have that as a regular and unremarkable feature of our shows. It’s always a “big deal.” So maybe outlawing the KKK, the Nazis, and other hate groups isn’t a bad idea. There will always be an underground market for these ideas but eventually they become intolerable in open society, which is very much a good thing.

Happy to!

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Oh for fuck’s sake…

I was going to have a discussion with you, but I’m going to cut it short because I know exactly where this is going, and I’m really struggling to care enough to answer.

I’ll just say this: just because something is gross, unsightly, or seems unnatural to me doesn’t mean I hate it. For the n-th time, I don’t hate anybody: my approach to everybody and everything is, if you leave me be, you may damn well do as you please. I totally, completely give zero fuck about your sexual preferences or your gender. Yet you accuse me of transphobia, and that’s why I’m gonna leave you to argue with yourself right here and now.

Secondly, yes I don’t know the ins and outs of trans issues. You know why? Because I don’t give a rat’s ass. I know enough to know that what I posted is more or less factual, and that if someone wants or needs to be a trans, more power to them, again as long as they don’t bother me or bang on about it until I’m tired of hearing about it.

And now I’m tired of hearing about it.

Full stop for me.

I know… and I didn’t want to push the responsibility for informing people over to you. But to be honest, we’ve already got more informations available than we can ever read… So I think most people just don’t inform themselves on a topic until they kinda “meet” it. So, if they never ever met a trans person before, most people just don’t educate themselves about it. It just doesn’t affect them. Every info they get is the bits that occasionally appear in the papers, the news, maybe during some casual conversation. And that’s it. That’s not even a big problem, as long as those supercifial bits of information (aka prejudices - and that’s not meant as negative as it sounds) are not taken as “the whole truth” and spread around. I always try to talk about topics I know something about, and if I don’t, I ask questions or start some research… or just plainly admit that I know too little about it to have a clear opinion.

Don’t want to piss on your leg, honestly, but posting quite a lot about a topic that’s very important and sensible to those who are affected, and saying it is “more or less factual” might not be a good idea.

Problem is, a lot of people argumented especially with the “it’s unnatural” thingy for quite a long time, and it’s still used against, for example, gay marriage. Or transsexuality. Or lots of other stuff. So it’s exactly the point that makes the lifes of lots of people harder. Additionally, I just don’t think thats a valid point in a forum of people who put chips inside their bodies…

That’s totally fine :wink: You came up with a good idea, but it’s not your job to lay out the whole plan. It’s just important to keep talking and thinking about it all.

Yep, and that’s what I meant by “harming others”. Shouting fire in a crowded theatre might lead to serious harm, so that’s not okay. Lying is, ethically, not okay - though there are cases where it might be, that’s a topic philosophers argue about :wink: Guess everyone draws his own line somewhere, for me it would be okay to lie to protect someone from harm. Hate speech does harm as well - if I say something that leads to assault on other people, that is not covered by “free speech”. But still, there is the right to express an opinion - even if I might think it is stupid, wrong, whatever. So for me, it is okay (though incredibly stupid) if someone says that covid-19 doesn’t exist, as long as he does not act in a way that poses a threat to others.
Nazis are a very difficult thing, though… simply because I disagree with them so deeply, that it’s hard for me to let them “have their opinion”, too. But still… okay, let them think they are the “superior race”, as long as they don’t assault others (or convince others to do that), I’m… no, definitely not “okay” with that. But I think it’s covered by free speech, and it’s the job of society as a whole to act (and speak up) against that. Democracy has to stand idiots. Problem is, if certain thing are just forbidden, they get less controllable (because they’re more underground), and become a lot more attractive for stupid kids who want to provoke.

And that’s just the point - that’s the “job” of society. To draw a line, to say “No, thats not bad because it’s illegal, that’s bad because it’s against human rights. Because it’s stupid, because it’s unethical”. Outlawing is of course a good idea if there is violence involved in those groups - as with the KKK or our german neonazis. This is illegal, this should be forbidden. But forbidding having a racist opinion… nah.


Honestly, you don’t know shit, and you just spent an entire thread proving that. And if you get so much sand in your pants over being told your opinions are based in bad info and shit opinions, and your expressions of it result in being transphobic, which doesn’t JUST mean “afraid of”, but is also contributing to that sense of fear/revulsion by contributing to misinformation.

BTW, it clearly does bother you, else you wouldn’t have spent that long talking about it.


Never said you did. I asked a question.

I understand this. I agree it is not their responsibility.

are your goals high? Like what do you expect to be provided for someone? An arm they can do simple things with? Or a robotic one that simulates real movements?

I think the part I am failing to see, is what your end goal is.

I feel the government should provide basic needed things like that. I also think that someone should be able to come up with an idea and profit from it. (Not gonna start the convo about how insanely priced things are)

This thread was originally split off from a hearing aid discussion when it went a bit far afield, now I think its getting a bit personal.

Can we agree to disagree and realise everybody has their own views an opinions.

We are starting to move away from our DT community culture. :frowning_face:

For some inward looking questions, if you haven’t already seen or filled out, here is the link to Amals questionnaire.


But it was :slight_smile: All I said was that the baby-making and fun-making machinery is messed up. If trans folks are too thin-skinned to hear that simple truth, quite frankly it’s their problem.

Come on… That’s just silly. You see things every day that you don’t appreciate, that you find over the top, unnatural, yet you don’t necessarily hate those who do it.

Look, I don’t usually find piercings appealing or beautiful. Chances are if I met you in the flesh (you and your big boobies :slight_smile:) I wouldn’t find yours particularly nice to look at. I might even tell you as much. Do I hate you for it? Hell no! It ain’t hurting me or making my life worse, so be as you are. But I don’t have to like your looks neither.

I see things every day that I don’t like, yeah… for me, the point is not “unnatural” or even “over the top”, for me it’s more the “obese girl wearing leggins and a belly-free top”-thing. But I guess, what you say still applies.

That’s absolutley no problem! Lots of people like my look, lots of people don’t - both doesn’t bother me much, for I like my look quite a lot, and that’s enough for me :wink: Luckily, my husband and some other “important” persons like it as well^^
But the point is, even if I don’t like the obese girl in leggins (sorry for overusing that cliché, was just the first thing that came to my mind), I wouldn’t tell her that unless she asks me. And than I’d be honest, but kinda polite still. I’d never ever tell anyone that (s)he is gross to me, for I just consider that rude. It’s totally okay not to like… piercings. Bodymods. Chips. Gays. Transsexuals. Kitten. Whatever. But I wouldn’t go around and say that, unless I’m asked. Because it might just hurt people I do not want to hurt. Of what use would it be if I’d tell the girl that she just looks “gross” in her leggins? She’d be sad, she’ll feel bad, and what for? I just walk by, think “eww, not a nice choice of clothes”, and that’s it.

That brings me to…

They might just hear that “simple truth” a lot, and a lot of other stuff too, and it might just get annoying at some point. You posted some stuff that was simply incorrect (and was corrected by two persons who know more about that topic than anyone else here, I think^^), so ultimately, you just confronted them with prejudices they’ve already heard a thousand times. This just does not feel good. To say you feel that something (very private, very delicate, very intimate) about a person or their sexuality or their way of life is gross actually hurts too. Without going into too much detail, I’ve experienced that myself in a different topic (but concerning sexuality as well), and that ain’t fun. It’s totally okay that you think that way, but why do you put that out in such an aggressive way?

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So to summarize, what you’re saying is, in order to avoid the possibility of hurting the overly-sensitive people of the 21st century, one should apply political correctness generously to talk about anything and everything. Well, that’s not how I was brought up. I’m sorry but I said nothing that could offend anyone who isn’t easily offended.

And with that, I shall step out of this thread for good - as I said I would - because it’s going nowhere and I have a good book I want to finish :slight_smile:

Smacking a beehive with an ignorance bat…


Nope. What I’m saying is that I don’t see a point in being unfriendly or impolite. That’s how I was brought up.
I’m not overly-sensitive - I won’t sit at my desk and cry because someone on a forum wasn’t nice to me. In fact, I’m in for a good verbal fighting, if needed, and I can take quite a hit. But I just think that one could discuss things in a manner where no insults or plain prejudices are used. That’s usually going nowhere, you’re right on that.
Just consider talking the way you did here about religious topics - I’m pretty sure you’ll get told off very soon, and you’ll be asked not to hurt anyones religious feelings. Dunno why the same shouldn’t apply here.

And a little thing I’d like to add - I think it’s pretty sad that you always state the same thing (all others being to sensitive), but don’t react to the arguments others bring up.

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What the hell is this thread? I know I haven’t been on the forum for a couple of moons, but damn, don’t forget we’re all on the same team here. No need for all this vicious arguing over something that isn’t really relevant to implants or biohacking.


Piss away. He’s pretending he won the argument by declaring himself free of any problem he just spent the whole thread clearly articulating, by spending all that time and energy talking about shit he doesn’t understand and is demonstrably wrong about.

Ooops, popped that balloon, lol. Well done!

Spot on. We’re talking about lying about things of significant and global importance for the purpose of disinformation (even if it’s just some teenage jackass having “fun” on the internet). And in that particular case, the kid talking about NZ, it was tinged with all sorts of racism to boot.

Nope. That enables oppression. “Are Jews even people” is not a disagreement, it’s a fundamental statement of a deep seated hatred. “Trans people are icky” might be an opinion, but it’s based on revulsion that informs and feeds hate that results in a lot of us dead every year. If you would like to volunteer to be part of an oppressed class, by all means, pick a few friends you’d like to mourn every year, and know that it could be you at any moment. Until then, it’s not something to disagree with.

If you wanna understand, go read more on why that statement doesn’t work.