Breakthrough in Cyborg Technology

News or not?

Not exactly alone of information there :frowning:

After a quick read: a coating that allows connections to the brain.
So a way to biosafely have electrodes stick out of an implant?
AFAIK Amal could theoretically already do this with his flex coating.
EDIT: and I’m pretty sure there are already some brain implants?

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I guess someone’s gotta listen to the podcast to gleen relevant info


oh here we go… a novel use for a polymer…


Or this use of bacteria for power?!

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I personally think something like that would be a great way for solid internal power. The problem is when wires and stuff need to function through the skin. Just get a powerstation installed.

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Apparently they have found a polymer that ‘merges’ with the tissue and doesn’t cause that much scar tissue and that makes the energy flow between electrodes and the body way more reliable.

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