I bricked my pm3 easy a few days ago and I’m trying to erase sector 0x0000
I’ve tried the FT232H, a STLINKV2 and even a rpi4
I’ve tried OpenOCD on the rpi, windows and a linux vm (with the FT232H and STLINKV2 ported) and flash magic, MPLABs IDE and even Keil uVision on windows
the closest I got was with the rpi4b via the bitbang driver but it couldn’t read the chip
I’ve checked wiring, cfg files, started from scratch and I’ve had no luck
I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong, I’ve already cleared bootloader protection
does someone have cfg files for the rpi4b?
Edit: Okay so im dumb lol the FT232RL doesnt support JTAG, I found a cfg file for the rpi4b BCM2711 cpu.
Gonna try it out.
Doesnt work, the rpi4b is unable to read the chip
EDIT (30/12/2024):
Hi, so i posted this because i literally wanted to smash my face through a wall. I was so confused about the guide Don posted and i literally couldnt understand what to do.
I wanted help and no one answered. Im hearing people want a guide of some help.
If you need some help, feel free to message me here or on Discord.
If you dont want to buy a programmer I am more than happy to fix it provided you pay shipping.