Busted my KBR1, going to just solder a wire directly to the board

So I busted my KBR1’s mini-usb port. Is it safe to assume the 4 solder joints indicated in the picture are the same as the mini USB connector pins? 3 of the copper pads for the connector completely tore off.

**Ignore the little blue scribble above the blue circle. The blue circle is all I was trying to indicate.

If you haven’t done it yet, give me just a moment. I’ll pop mine apart and test it.

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Yep, here’s the pinout, as expected:

The connector on mine is pretty shoddy as well, the cord’s been ripped out a few times, so not surprised it came off on yours. Mine doesn’t have any cord retention either, so it falls right out.

Gotten two years of heavy use out of it though, and like 6 different moves (yay dorms).


Thank you!!

Heh heh mine got about 30seconds of heavy use before the connector was ripped off the board. I’m attempting to install the KBR1 into a couch cushion so I can unlock my living rooms PC without leaning forward. I had it sitting vertically inside the couch cushion for best readability…but as soon as full weight was put on that cushion it forced the mini USB cable into the housing ripping the connector off. I’ll just solder the wire directly to the board and glue some extra wire inside the housing for tension relief.

Unfortunately my KBR1 is dead. Tried resoldering a cable to it a few times and windows just won’t recognize it anymore. Time to order a new one

1.xEM Access Controller v2
2.Dangerous KBR1 RFID Reader
3.X Field Detector 2vnt 13.56MHz ir 125KHz
4.RFID Diagnostic Card
The Original price would be 120euro.
50€ is the price. Shippment included.
My paypal Eitosius@yahoo.com send me a message there too.


Are you still selling?