Can I Have Escape Tools Implanted in My Hand?

Maybe get a concealed carry firearm…


@Jonnyswboy : Already have one. :wink:

@invalid_signal : I’m officially going to have to watch Gun Woman now. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

You should get a section of pig carcass from a butcher with the skin and everything on and and implant a handcuff key in there using a very long tunnel from the entrance wound so that the hole won’t aid you, then try and get through it with your nails enough to free the key. Not a valid test of your pain tolerance in that situation, but it would at least highlight how tough the tissue is.


1.) I wouldn’t know how to do it or how far in to put it; I don’t know anything about this subject yet lol. :sweat_smile:
2.) A human hand would be more accurate; might be able to get one from a University. :smirk:
It would likely be pretty pricey though; probably at least a few thousand dollars. :confused:

I couldn’t read that and not be curious. Add it to the list of google searches that have me on any number of lists.


@JPlowman : Just learned about it today myself, as a matter of fact. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
Saw it on Last Week Tonight with John Oliver; episode was about organ donors lol. :sweat_smile:

I am not responsible for any psychological issues or therapy costs.

@invalid_signal Not to worry; I already have half a dozen serious psychological issues, and weekly therapy sessions covered by Medicaid; today’s actually my therapy day, coincidentally lol. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Learn to dislocate a thumb for real handcuffs. Zipties and ducttape you can tear / pop with good technique learning to move your hands to the front of you while restrained is a skill. If your hands are in front of you then your unlikely to need to remove the bindings. Most of the time people arnt chained or tied to a pipe or something like movies.

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@Devilclarke : …Like this?

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You’re aware of the size of a handcuff shim right? Seems pretty easy to me to make a biosafe thin flexible shim and then just implant it shallow with something similar to the apex needle. I have a video somewhere of a cartel member that is demonstrating to law enforcement a handcuff escape by pulling a wire out that was concealed in his forearm. I looked everyone online and can’t find it but when I dig it up I’ll post it. Obviously having wire in you for extended periods isn’t ideal :joy::metal:

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@Sh3ll3.T0R : I am aware, and I considered it, but some handcuffs are designed to be shim-proof; far less handcuffs are designed to be key-proof, and most handcuff keys are universal. I also considered a lock pick or safety pin, (my record for getting out of handcuffs with a small safety pin is eight seconds; I don’t really need a shim or a pick), but some handcuffs have anti-picking features, or are designed in such a way that picking is too difficult, (such as with hinged handcuffs). So I figured if I were going to implant a tool in my hand for escaping from handcuffs and/or shackles, I should go with the best one: a key. :metal::sunglasses:

If I could only implant one escape tool in my hand, it would probably be a piece of diamond wire; if it can saw through metal it can probably saw through bindings, and I could stick it in a handcuff keyhole and use the wall of the cuff for leverage to put a small 90° bend in the wire to mimic a handcuff key, turning it left to check for a double-lock before swinging back around to the right to depress the plate to release the arm of the cuff. If it won’t fit in the keyhole, then it could be used to scar a link, making it easier to bind up the chain by giving it something to bite onto, giving you enough leverage to snap the chain under the pressure; steel is super brittle. But yeah…pretty versatile lil piece of wire. :sweat_smile:

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Ooooh! Thnx for sharing! :heart_eyes:
Do you know if they make a titanium version? :thinking:
I don’t like metal-detectable escape tools. :-1:

I couldnt answer that sorry, but you could get a polymer one and modify it to “universal”

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Yeah; I just realized halfway through the video that the video was instructions on how to modify standard handcuff keys yourself. I know they make titanium cuff keys; I could probably modify one of those. :upside_down_face:

Maybe encase a piece of diamond wire in a hard biopolymer before installation that you can break off easily after extraction? Not sure what material you would use but someone here might have an idea I’m sure.

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My 2 cents of input / experience in this area

This is mostly a Hollywood fueled daydream

Having a key sounds like a great plan, until someone actually handcuffs you correctly

When done correctly the key hole is ridiculously hard to reach, and when double locked you can’t shim them
(I was handcuffed in this manner and handed the tools, and I no longer entertain the idea)

Handcuff keys are everywhere, and yet there are only a handful of cases of people getting out of handcuffs in police custody… in line with error rate of cuffs not being applied tight and pulling out

If you are serious, there’s a dozen better places to focus efforts to PREVENT yourself from winding up in that situation

In addition, assuming your end goal isn’t to attempt to escape police custody, if you are ever arrested you run the risk of a “smuggling contraband into jail” charge


Sparrow makes this little guy :yum:
(Disclaimer: I’ve worked with them on some projects, but not this one. I’m not affiliated with them in any way, just like their products)

In the US, a lawyer on retainer is your best bet …


I meant, more specifically situation awareness… victim selection deselection,and criminal mindset stuffs, lethal \ less lethal training… verbal judo \ descalation etc

why make plans to escape after being kidnapped and instead of dealing with much easier and lower hanging fruit

the best way to win the fight is to see it coming and avoid it