Card HITAG PCF 7936

Good morning,
I have a CARD that I want copied,
PROXMARK3 tells me it’s a “HITAG PCF 7936”:

[+] UID…22A0211E
[+] TYPE… PCF 7936

[+] Valid Hitag found!

Is it possible to clone this card onto another?
or copied from the Flipper Zero?

[usb] pm3 → lf hitag chk
[+] Loaded 7 keys from dictionary file C:\Users\Shaukos\Desktop\PROX\ProxSpace\ProxSpace\pm3\proxmark3\client\dictionaries/ht2_default.dic

[+] found valid password [ 4D494B52 ]

[usb] pm3 → lf hitag dump -k 4D494B52
[=] Authenticating to Hitag 2 in Password mode

[=] — Tag Information ---------------------------
[+] UID… 22A0211E
[+] TYPE… PCF 7936
[+] Config… 0x06
[+] 00000110
[+] 0000 … - RFU
[+] …0 … - Password mode
[+] …11 - Hitag2
[+] …0 - Manchester

[=] ----------------------------------------------
[=] # | data | ascii | lck | Info
[=] --------±------------±------±----±--------
[=] 0/0x00 | 22 A0 21 1E | ".!. | L | UID
[=] 1/0x01 | 4D 49 4B 52 | MIKR | RW | Pwd
[=] 2/0x02 | 20 F0 4F 4E | .ON | RW | Key/Pwd
[=] 3/0x03 | 06 AA 48 54 | …HT | RW | Config
[=] 4/0x04 | 57 5F 4F 4B | W_OK | RW | User
[=] 5/0x05 | 55 55 55 55 | UUUU | RW | User
[=] 6/0x06 | AA AA AA AA | … | RW | User
[=] 7/0x07 | 55 55 55 55 | UUUU | RW | User
[=] --------±------------±------±----±--------
[=] L = Locked, RW = Read Write, R = Read Only
[=] FI = Fixed / Irreversible
[=] ----------------------------------------------
[+] Saved 32 bytes to binary file C:\Users\XXXXXXX\Desktop\PROX\ProxSpace\ProxSpace\pm3/lf-hitag-22A0211E-dump.bin
[+] Saved to json file C:\Users\XXXXXXX\Desktop\PROX\ProxSpace\ProxSpace\pm3/lf-hitag-22A0211E-dump.json

Card hitag pcf 7936.rar (22.6 KB)

the .rar file is data recovered with Flipper Zero…