Does anyone know how to change the batteries in the METechs MID300? I emailed their support but all they said was “Same way as you install the battery. It is in the manual”. I checked their website but there is no manual. Just 2 videos about installing versions of this lock and using the RFID.
I was hoping there was an easier mothod with the door lock still attached but I guess Ill have to remove the entire lock. Thank you
At 1:30 of the video Aox linked, it looked like it could be done with the lock attached
I replaced the batteries with the MID300 and unfortunately it requires you to remove the whole thing. The front handle has a hole on the back of it that presses against the door when its attached. You need to press the button in the hole to release the battery compartment. The back handle also has to come off to unclip the cables that attach the front and back
I modified my lock (different from yours) but to remove the need to change batteries, well, at least made it easier.
I chopped a USB cable, I ran the +ve and -ve to either end of the battery compartment.
I ran the cable externally to the compartment, and the USB plugs into one of the 2 x identical power banks that I "velcro™"onto the door, and the other kept charged as a spare
Just a suggestion - OTY
I like that idea! I might try something like that