Chip compatibility matrix - Google Sheets

hmmmmm, I don’t really think this is the place for that.

We are already using a spreadsheet where a database should be being used.
It’s already quite busy / cluttered, adding another couple of columns is not going to help that.

It’s purpose is to show you what devices are compatible with your implants or vise versa, not what size an implant is and how it can be installed.
Besides, you coud use an injector, needle, scalpel to install an xSeries if you really wanted.

There is a link to each implant that will take you to the store, and generally, sombody looking at the matrix, already has an idea of the implant size and normal installation method.

Also, with regard to the size, what’s the difference between a 2mm and 3mm xSeries, implanted with an injector?

The following are probably a much better format for showing that information

and I could probably squeeze a link to one of them on to the matrix

I might be missing something obvious, so it’s not a NO it’s more like a convince me…

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