Chip compatibility matrix - Google Sheets

I must have stuffed something up, I just checked it, and yes I made an omission, I will sort it out when I am on a PC.

Thanks for the heads up :+1:


Done :wink:


You’re welcome - thanks for the info, and for all the work you put into that sheet! Super helpful thing, really! I’m still at the very beginning of my learning curve, so I just wanted to be super-sure before I buy a door lock and don’t get into my house afterwards :smile:

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That’s what happens when spreadsheets are used as databases :wink:

Yeah, I am VERY conscious of that, It took me an embarrassingly VERY long time to go through and shrinkify all the images. VERY long…
With no images I think we would have much less lag.
Hopefully it is just a stop gap until we get a more permanent solution in place.

Howdy Id like to submit something to be added to the spreadsheet
the paxton p38 access system:
it works with the xm1 and by association the flexMT and flexM1
image for reference:

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Now I’m slightly irritated - I wrote a mail to DOM to ask them some questions, including if my flexNExT would work on the ENiQ-Lock… (sent them the specifications of both chips, not just a link to the flexNExT^^). They were surprisingliy well informed, even wrote that questions like these are not unusual nowadays, but they wrote that their lock works with Mifare DESfire EV2 or Mifare Classic only… That’s different from what’s in the compatibility matrix, or I am mixing up chiptypes in my brain again.

Newer firmware maybe?

Maybe, yes… I’m asking them about the ELS Pro (which works on 125KHz) now, let’s see what that brings up

Eniq as in these ones?

Did you change it?

Nope, sorry - it’s about the door lock

And I didn’t change it, for I was not able to try it out myself - after all, even someone from the company itself could be wrong. If they tell me that the other lock, the ELS, might work with the LF-part of my implant, I will go to a shop and try it out - if possible, I’ll try out the ENiQ as well, so we can be sure about that afterwards.

I have just added 2 more Products from Quick Safe onto the Matrix

From their website

QuickSafe Vent safe plus ( 50% larger than the original )

QuickSafe QuickShelf ( Different styles and colours )

These likely to be FlexEM only but needs to be confirmed


DT doesn’t sell the elechouse PN532 NFC R/W module anymore, only the Adafruit PN532 NFC shield.
Please replace the broken link with this one: PN532 NFC RFID module V4 [WIRELESS-NFC-PN532_V4] - $13.90 : Elechouse, Arduino Play House

IKEA Roshult should be IKEA Rothult

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Updated Thanks @Vicarious :+1:t3: :

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Muy muy útil.
Hay que poner que el lector negro de dangerous si que va con NeXT y Spark2

Si, Gracias
Voy a hacer

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Just recieved the Unifi access kit, and can confirm that both the “UA-Pro” and the “UA-lite” reader has no trouble reading both the FlexM1, XM1 and the NeXT.

[One can also utilize the access hub with two UA-lite readers even though the picture states 'one port for UA lite and one port for UA Pro, for those interested]


Hello all,

really Great spreadsheet!

I bought the ID-20LA because of it. Great product, very good read range (about 2 cm with a NExT implant) but kinda pricey, was about 40 euro’s.

As I am hoping to one day throw away my keys, i want to buy alot of them which will get costly.
So in my search of cheap readers i found the following from banggood:

quick review of the RDM6300: REALLY cheap, i got 5 of them for 15 euro’s :crazy_face:
at first read range was really limited, barely got any reads. not really usable in my opinion
(as my chip is installed deeper than intended :roll_eyes: )

But after I unrolled the antenna coil about 4 turns, read range increased significantly up to a point of about 4mm distance to the skin.

Personally for me still unusable since i plan to “hide” the readers. so will need the range from the ID-20LA.
But maybe for others who don’t have that constraint…

Next up is the ID-3LA (price around 13 euro + shipping from ebay: ID-3LA RFID Reader Module, 125kHz EM4001 | eBay )
with external antenna, which needs to have inductance of 1.337 mH. So will have to try my luck with coil winding ^^


Great info, thanks, I will update the sheet and look forward to your next review :+1:

He comprado el m-lock motorcycle key pero no consigo hacerlo funcionar con el NExT, solo funciona con la versión vieja, igual que ha sucedido con la cerradura Samsung que solo funcionan con viejas versiones. lo comento para que no le pase a nadie más el mismo problema, actualiza el excel para que no de confusion a error.