ChipscanLibTester crashes

It’s about time there’s a health check service, just a simple check with like a popup on rileys phone or something. Or kubernetes, then it can die all the time haha :joy:
Also I wonder how this happens, is it like autoupdating and then dying?

Think Riely said it would update and fail to turn back on

Hmm nothing production should be doing any auto anything, especially updates.

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I witnessed the endpoints function for a total of approximately 15 days. Around a week ago, both ChipscanLibTester and my Arduino stopped working; evidenced by the reoccurrence of a problem that I detailed earlier in this thread:

The more verbose debug of the Arduino claims it timed out when attempting to obtain a response from the pcd-challenge endpoint. So, I believe the problem is the pcd-challenge endpoint in particular.

I hope by detailing my problem I am helping solve it, not convoluting the situation. :slightly_smiling_face:

The absence of other people experiencing problems/complaining has placed me in an awkward position. Either I am the only person having problems or, I am the only person actually attempting to use the endpoints.

Can anyone in the community confirm that these endpoints function?

Also, if there is a better place for me to report these kinds of bugs/issues, please let me know.

My next thing to try would still be patching chipscanlib to send it through a proxy to debug.

The app still crashes half way in so it’s not generally broken.

only one i have tested is the get challenge endpoint but thats working fine.

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