Church of transhumanism

So those 2 are not about religion.
Ok, then it comfortably fits the definition of


Fair enough!

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You got me there :slight_smile:

Okay, I really should’ve said “I don’t participate in any discussion about religion if it’s not to bash it or poke fun at it”. :slight_smile:


Was that about religion as infrastructure or preaching as advertising the faith?

I meant that not including religion as institution into a society will preserve or induce tribalism. We mainly hear about news that are soaked in blood, but here are examples about religion bringing peace.
See Europe around 1000AC with the spread of christianity and Africa about the same time, where Islam brings unity. I analyse it from a consequential perspective this time.
A belief system should be (and often is) a great umbrella to stand under.

The religion rapidly spread in both regions.
And not necessarily because they loved the books…
People simply wanted to belong to the winners.
That’s why often fundamentalists abusing power in the name of the Prophet and God.

Shit can get corrupted: when every vote matters, cater-for-all attitude.
According to Lama Ole Nydahl: Multi-culty only works if there is a common goal.
People need something common to feel connection, whatever it is, to be in peace:
Jan-Erik Olasson said, after attempting a bank robbery and keeping 4 people as hostage:

“They made us go on living together day after day, like goats, in that filth. There was nothing to do but get to know each other”

I draw parallel between Islam and Christianity (Faith: you can give it up!) and the precedent that sourced to the term later been referred to as Stockholm Syndrom, because they describe a situation with little chance to escape.

Atilla feels second hand shame when seeing people on the street with mic and leaflets.
Also he prefers the jewish method: Treat your faith as treasure, and remember the 4th Commandment.

Also, from now on I will do the “con” side for a while. I want to know why is a church a silly idea.

…I’m doing “con”:

But I think: The thought is the ingredient
Philosophy is the cooking method.
Religion is how you eat, when, and who do you share your meal.

A phony religion would be just a kitchen with all the facilities.
Whit the rule to cook safely.

@Atilla I like how you manage to dodge pretty much every single question I ask you.

So seriously, this conversation makes totally no sense for me. Could talk to the wall as well :woman_shrugging:


Neither. Or both. Was about the “Keeping our belief system to ourselves will lead to tribalism” statement. so… not sure what you meant with “religion as infrastructure”, and “preaching” is often more than just “advertising”.

That might be a misleading argument.
You are also talking about a time where people were being tortured violently to convert.

So perhaps “People simply wanted to be alive” might be a better statement, since in so many cases the only options were “convert or die” (often under torture).

I’m sorry, but not sure if I understood your point…

The issue I see with that approach is that:

If Philosophy is “the cooking method”, then what about people who discard philosophy and ethics in favour of tradition and moral?
The implied conclusion is that they would no longer be able to cook. Therefore having only raw, subpar meals?

That sounds quite judgemental.
I do believe philosophy is essential for human growth, but can’t state that whomever would not approach life through philosophy leads an inferior life.

And similarly, if “Religion is how you eat”, then would that mean that people without a religion do not eat?

And that would be dangerous.
Because once you have an agreed upon kitchen, then said kitchen is subject to rules, inspections and scrutiny.

People can no longer do things as they please, because now they must follow the facilities about how to engage with such facilities. If not because “the priest said so”, then most likely because the same institutions that recognise said phony church will now put a lot more pressure into regulating it.
Not to mention attention drawn from other “restaurants” that will recognise your kitchen as empty and will become a thorn in your ass…

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This may just be my personal opinion, but biohacking is not about philosophy, leave that to the self-described transhumanists. Conversations like this is why I can’t frequent their channels. Grinding is about what you do, not what you think or say.

Agreed. The original purpose of the idea of the “church of transhumanism” was not at all to create a philosophy. It was to repurpose existing governmental structures that protect religious freedoms to protect our right to bodily autonomy. Full stop. The only reason to create a founding ethos for a “church” like this would be to cross the T’s and dot the i’s in order to follow the letter of the law.


I think I would be perfectly fine with a “church for bodily autonomy”. Might even better sum up what a chaotic mixed up bunch of people we are :wink:

I think you nailed it pretty well there! :grin:

Was about to write something along these exact lines!

I agree with both points @Satur9 raised.

But then, if the objective had nothing to do with philosophy, And "Transhumanists will deal with the philosophical bits, while we do the grinding…

  • using church as a defining word and not expecting philosophy…
  • “of Transhumanism”, and not expecting Transhumanists to voice their opinions…

are both points that murder that non-philosophical intent! :wink:

As I said on the very beginning:
I would support making a phony “Church of Blorgh”. I would be concerned about a “Church of Transhumanism/Biohacking/Grinding/Whatever”…

Mostly for the same points you raised ^^

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My point as the original raising was exactly as satur9 stated. I don’t care for religion or church the ame was to create a place to put ideas on how to actually go about protecting ourselves under the law be it by “abusing” government systems or not.

Transhumanisum was ment to incompase all the bodymoding you can handle. Church of grinder i suppose was more what I was going for but unfortunately shares its name with a gay hook up app.

As satur9 also state di want nothing to do with (as I see it) philosophical debates nor the telomere measuring, self injecting hormom notification , crazy dieting madness that some people would class as biohacking.

Can we, or should we do anything from the UK to get the ball rolling?
Or does it have to start from the US?

UK has no need for that.

This whole thing was only about bypassing laws in US to allow people to gain access to installing microchips even on US states where it’s not currently allowed.

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[quote=“Eyeux, post:254, topic:9362”]US states where it’s not currently allowed.

Can you specify what states were talking about?

I have done a decent bit of digging and all I find are headlines and laws about forced employer chips

I see nothing about voluntary stuff

Think that is one for the Americans. :sweat_smile:

but this is a good quote on the matter:

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Again, I haven’t found any of said legislation, only states prohibiting mandatory implantation of employees when I dig into the legal verbiage

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Then I personally see even less reason. :laughing:

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These are just the ones I have handy. It’s criminally difficult to find obscure state laws. You only hear about them when there’s public pushback. I don’t know how they expect us to follow the laws if they don’t tell us what they are.


Neither of those are any issue for us.

Even the Nevada bill… it only forbids companies from creating programs where people can “volunteer” to get an implant.

That is worded so no company can microchip it’s employees.

But absolutely nothing there prevents an individual from implanting a chip because he wants.

You’re reading the letter of the law and interpreting it in the most sensible way, which is a big mistake.

  1. The law in Nevada went through several revisions, becoming less ham-handed along the way. Without public oversight fickle legislators will do whatever is easiest, which in most cases is a blanket ban on body mods.
  2. The exact wording states that a person cannot “participate in a program…to voluntarily elect to undergo the implantation of a microchip or other permanent identification marker of any kind or nature”. This is pretty broad, and could easily be applied to piercing studios by bad actors.
  3. regardless of the final letter of the law, the ambiguity will lead piercing studios (which are a business) to make a risk assessment and many could decide not to allow RFID implants of any kind. That’s why you see so many people on the forums living in the US and unable to find a studio willing to help them. “novel” implants like RFID mean legal ambiguity that businesses can’t accept.
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