Clone a MIFARE DESFire Light 640B

I am new to working with NFC tags and need some guidance. I recently purchased a Proxmark3.

Specifically, I have a MIFARE DESFire Light 640B tag that I need help decoding. I’m not sure what data is stored on this particular type of tag or how to go about decoding it using my Proxmark3.

Are there any tutorials or step-by-step guides someone can point me towards for decoding a MIFARE DESFire Light tag with the Proxmark3

Any advice would help

Thank you in advance!

do hf mfdes info

if it’s using anything more than just its UID for authentication (very unlikely with desfires) then you will not be cloning it.

desfire is a family of secure chipsets more info can be found on Index of /files/Documents

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Thanks for the advice,
how can I tell the difference between UID for authentication or not?