Cloned chips getting locked upon scanning

Hello there !

I got my hands on a Proxmark3 Easy a while back, in order to clone keyfobs (using magic mifare 1K gen1a 4byte tags) for my workplace. I received amazing support to set it up here, and it worked perfectly well so far but one of the two intercoms we used wasn’t working and had to be replaced by a professional electrician.

It seems the new one has an additional security layer because when I try to scan a cloned fob, it appears to ban both the old and new fob from being used on that specific intercom. I still can use them on the old one though.

Is there a way to bypass that new protection ?

i recommend emulating the file of your card on your proxmark and having a look at the trace to see what is being said before making any moves.

hf mf eload -f (filename of your dump)

then to begin the sim
hf mf sim —1k

on the new intercom with your proxmark still plugged in tap it to the intercom which should work, once the intercom has either accepted or rejected the emulation press the button on the proxmark to end the sim and do

trace save -f intercomtrace and i can take a look for you/talk you through it.

once we’ve looked over the trace we can start looking at which magic card may be best for you.

if gen1a is being detected (not all too uncommon nowadays) you could potentially use Gen2, on @KaiCastledine ’s website you can find them.

id recommend waiting until confirming this new intercom isn’t trying to detect gen2 before buying as if that’s the case we need to go another level down and start looking at APDU cards and Gen3/OTW


I’m getting an error message “[!] trace is empty, nothing to save”, I think I most likely missed something at:

on the new intercom with your proxmark still plugged in tap it to the intercom which should work, once the intercom has either accepted or rejected the emulation press the button on the proxmark to end the sim and do

I don’t understand, how an emulated chip could be accepted by the new intercom ? I either can use the original chip, that works on both intercoms, or a cloned one but that is rejected (and make the original it was cloned from unusable).