Can’t seem to get the cn and fc
[usb] pm3 --> hf iclass decrypt -d E7D23D7E3AC7A91A
[+] Loaded 16 bytes from binary file `iclass_decryptionkey.bin`
[+] encrypted... E7D23D7E3AC7A91A
[+] plain....... 000000000439A196
[usb] pm3 --> wiegand decode -r 000000000439A196
[+] [ind27 ] Indala 27-bit FC: 4326 CN: 8598
[+] [indasc27] Indala ASC 27-bit FC: 2005 CN: 106
[+] [Tecom27 ] Tecom 27-bit FC: 888 CN: 41013
[=] found 3 matching formats
Do I actually need to do these generate XOR keys, read block and write block mentioned in