Hey there! Decently new to all this, but I have a nice technical background so I’m able to understand a lot of the processes and command line work. I have an access card I would like to clone to something (ideally small form factor but that’s not the important bit here) and after exploring the forums a bit I didn’t see anyone posting about experience with the card I have.
It’s an iClass card, and via the labelling “2+” I can tell it has “size 2” memory, 16k/16 as they call it, and is programmed with a non iso14443B standard. I’ll be honest the memory labels don’t make much sense to me, but these markings were enough to be comfortable saying it’s probably not an SEOS card, so there shouldn’t be issues there.
Reference doc here (section 3.3)
I’m wondering if for the sake of access control this memory size is significant in some way, or even just what that nomenclature means, because it doesn’t make much sense to me. I don’t have much context regarding what the other different card sizes’ data looks like, and the dumps didn’t look particularly different from other iClass ones I’ve seen here. If the sizing isn’t important for access control, cool, we can move on and leave this as something to wonder and learn about over time.
On the cloning target side of things, assuming size is irrelevant, what possible chip(s) can I clone to? There only seem to be one or two links going around, either to flexclass which is far too expensive for what I want since I don’t intend to implant (yet), or to deviant ollam’s eternally sold out 2k cards. Are these legitimately the only two possibilities or have my eyes just glossed over things and I’ve missed the other options?
Thanks all!