Yeah. that’s good.
treat it like a prototype, just focus on getting it working first, the size/form factor can com later.
I already have a couple of ideas for you.
but if you can get a full size card for testing it will effectively remove range/coupling as a variable and you can focus on the important bit.
Two of my ideas, you wouldn’t need a PM3
Can you get a spare card that is enrolled and working?
Can you modify your current card.
if yes to either of these, and you know what form factor you would like, it would be super easy to turn a card into a fob or similar.
that’s a good start.
Do you have a ProxMark3?
if you are wanting a glass xSeries sized option, that will get much more tricky.
As for the cloning, iClass is not my strong suit.
I would be referencing the following
Cloning an HID iClass credential to your flexClass
Also I would be asking the following for assistance if I got stuck (the authors of the above links)
@philidelphiaChickens @NinjuhhNutz @NiamhAstra
Out of their own necessity, they have all done the research and experimentation.
@NiamhAstra actually developed the FlexClass with Amal and he may be able to direct you to chip / card sources
Have you read the card and seen how much data is actually been used or how much is free?
I know there was going to be a batch of the 16kb FlexClass made, so down the track, this may be your option.
I’m not sure of the cost of the chips themselves, but if you do decide to implant one inside you, you are paying for the proven safety of the implant and the guarantee that comes with it.
Not a great answer, but I hope you can at least pull something of use out of it.