Hey there!
I got an xBT chip implanted into my chest about a month ago. It’s deeper than my other implants, I can neither see nor feel it - I told my artist to place it like that because I hoped to get a more constant measuring that way. Now I’ve been measuring my temperature (for science! ) twice a day since then, once in the morning before getting up (so-called basal temperature) and once on some other time of the day, both with the xBT and a flipper and with a thermometer that measures my temperature in the mouth. Just too lazy to stick something in my ass twice a day
For the basal temperature, I keep the thermometer in my mouth for three minutes, for the random-time-of-the-day temperature just until it beeps.
I have made some graphs (excluding the first 12 days, because I expected swelling / healing to have some influence) to show the difference, and it’s quite interesting - there is more chaos than I expected
(red line is the thermometer, blue one the xBT)
First one, basal temperature:
Second one, more randomly chosen time:
The basal temperature seems more consistent, most likely due to the three-minute-timing with the thermometer, but there is still no even offset or anything like that. For example, I had the temp of 36,56°C several times on my xBT, and it equaled 36,67°, 36,65°, 36,56°, 36,68°, 36,62°, 36,8° and 36,74°C.
I’ll keep an eye on that. I tried to avoid external influence as much as possible for basal temperature, I had roughly the same room temperature in my sleeping room, the same blanket, the same clothes.
Anyone else with an xBT or BeUno interested about chiming in here? Maybe we can collect more data that’s somehow valuable