Constant search solution for Proxmark3

Hello guys, i’m new to the forum and recently playing with my rdv4,
Is there a way to keep the proxmark3 reading tags (like hf or lf search commands) constantly? for the moment i need to keep executing the command every 3 seconds to make it iterative. But i’m wondering if there’s a Lua or Python script that can help me with this.


hf 14a reader -@

will continuously search for HF uids, it’s what I use anyways

Not sure about LF, and I look forward to seeing if anyone else has better suggestions


thanks for the answer @Aoxhwjfoavdlhsvfpzha , that’s an useful solution, nonetheless i’m missing the additional information that hf search gives me about the technology used (useful when you are doing reconaissance). I’m trying for the other part to find a similar command for the LF search.

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You can run multiple lf search or hf search commands back to back
like this:
lf search ; lf search ; lf search ; lf search
You can add msleep commands in between if that’s too fast.
The same can be done for hf search

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