Crypto Wallet for use with implant

Anyone here hear of this wallet and if it can be transferred to an implant?

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I think someone asked about this before. We don’t know anybody at that company, but if they are willing to reach out to us we would be happy to look into porting something to the Apex platform. If you are a customer of theirs, you might reach out and ask them to make contact with us.

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I would love Tangem support on the Apex. Currently you can only store ETH using and the BIP32 applet.

From having a very brief look at it, it doesn’t appear that their wallet code is open source. Unless I’m wrong… that’s always a possibility.

At this point, someone would have to convince them to work with VivoKey on the Apex platform. Perhaps a coalition of customers?

Seems difficult to impossible. They are diving into the emv pool with Visa and as far as I can tell the applet itself is not open source.

In a fantasy universe they could work with Fidesmo to make an applet though? Maybe in my dreams they can flex their Visa partnership muscles somehow and quietly make the world’s first official EMV payment implant solution.
